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Publicity for basking sharks welcomed after Clare sighting

AN international research group has welcomed the public attention on Basking Sharks in the wake of a viral video shot by divers off Kilkee last week. The video showed a large group of the giant sharks engaged in a courtship ritual, something that was also observed off Clare’s coast at around the same time last year. A spokesperson for the Irish Basking Shark Group (IBSG) told The Champion, “Basking sharks frequently occupy Irish waters on and off from April through September. They are known to feed here, and based on instances like those observed last week where they are gathering in big groups, basking sharks likely come to Ireland to court and potentially mate.” The group’s store of knowledge has been greatly advanced in the last year, often through the help of the general public sending them pictures and reports. That then allows the multidisciplinary team to square the sightings with any environmental factors that may be bringing the sharks …

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Calls for investigation after five-hour wait for ambulance

A CALL has been made for an official investigation into the five-hour delay for the arrival of an ambulance in Tulla on Tuesday, despite three phone calls from a local general practitioner. Senator Timmy Dooley made the call for an inquiry into the circumstances that led to this shocking time for medical intervention. The Fianna Fail Senator has contacted Health Minister Stephen Donnelly to seek an urgent review of this case, and the entire provision of ambulance services in the Mid-West. “I am absolutely shocked to hear someone would be left in a doctor’s surgery waiting for an ambulance for more than five hours. It beggars belief. “This issue needs to be thoroughly investigated. My suspicious is it is as a result of an ambulance service that is over stretched and under resourced. “While recognising ambulance services were reconfigured, that was dependant on an efficient use of our ambulance service. Ambulance cover was increased a few years ago and the …

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Students vault Covid hurdles

Resilient Leaving Cert Class of ’21 post ‘exemplary’ results in the face of huge challenges presented by pandemic MILTOWN Malbay’s Alison O’Loughlin told The Champion she is “still in shock” at receiving one of the highest grades in the country in her Leaving Certificate. Alison, a student of St Joseph’s Secondary School in Spanish Point, achieved an impressive eight H1 grades. She was among more than 1,300 Clare students who received their results last Friday. While most students got their grades online due to Covid-19 restrictions, Alison was thrilled to have the chance to receive hers in person at the school. “The school gave us an opportunity to go in and physically get the results, we were all given time slots so we weren’t all in together. I was glad we could go into the school because it made it all a bit more real.” Recalling when she first saw her grades the 19-year-old said, “I was shocked, I couldn’t …

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Áine taking centre stage in Croker

There will be Clare involvement in the All Ireland Camogie finals as Áine Nic Cormaic is working as the fourth official for the intermediate showdown between Kilkenny and Antrim. The Wolfe Tones woman admits she is proud to be travelling up to GAA HQ this Sunday for an action packed day of camogie. “It is a privilege to be involved. It is the biggest day of the year so to be asked to be a part of that is pretty special.” Nic Cormaic admits that sourcing female referees is an issue in the county and across Ireland and that herself and Clare Camogie are working hard to encourage more young people to take up the whistle. “We are trying our best to encourage young girls. Even with older people who may be retired from playing, not many of them are refereeing so we are trying to show them that it is an option. There is work to do. It is …

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WATCH: Clare’s marine magic in focus with courting sharks

THE WATERS off county Clare are once again the focus of attention for eye-opening marine life action. Last week, a group of scuba divers observed a large gathering of Basking Sharks engaged in what is believed to be courtship behaviour and in doing so, captured some amazing footage. Little is known about the behaviour of the giant creatures, the second largest fish in the sea and, like many, sadly now an endangered species. The man responsible for the footage Mark O’Leary of UL Sub Aqua Club was on a dive with friends from Kilkee Sub Aqua Club when the opportunity arose to film the graceful creatures. Mark told The Champion this week that he and his friends had been planning a regular dive when some jet skiers told them at Kilkee pier that there were Basking Sharks in the area, so the group deliberately went out looking for them. “We found them pretty fast in around 70 metres of water,” …

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Horse road safety event in Clooney

THE Pass Wide and Slow campaign will be taking to the road on September 19, to raise awareness about the dangers associated with how drivers and horse riders interact on Irish roads. In Clare, this campaign will be brought to the public’s attention in Clooney, via a walk involving riders and their mounts, as well as cyclists, walkers and children from the local national school, close to which the walk will start. The main aim of the initiative is to promote road safety in the context of how drivers and horse riders must respect each other’s right to the road; one of the central messages of Pass Wide and Slow is to do just that- leave at least two metres between vehicle and animal. Spokeswoman for the event, Máire Gleeson, said: “As soon as a driver sees a horse on the road, they should slow to a maximum of 15km per hour. We have been working for two or three …

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Pedestrianisation confusion

THE easing of pedestrianisation in Ennis’ town centre has been labelled as a “mess” with calls for an alert system to be put in place to warn people when traffic is about to be let back on the streets. Meanwhile, it has been confirmed by the Ennis Municipal District that the public is to be asked its views on pedestrianisation next month. A survey to “capture the public’s mindset” on car-free streets is set to be launched by the local authority in mid October. Full details have to be finalised but it is anticipated that the public consultation process will be open for up to two weeks. Since August 30 restrictions on traffic in Ennis town centre have been lifted except for Monday to Friday from 11am to 2pm, and Saturdays and Sundays from 11am to 6pm and Lower Parnell Street where the current road closure applies until the end of September. Councillor Mary Howard insists this has led to …

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Strong objections with Dun Aras decision due

A DECISION is due in the coming days on a proposal for 14 two-storey houses at Dun Aras Avenue. Ballycasey Property Developments Ltd has put the application before Clare County Council, which has received a number of objections. One objector stated it would be disastrous for the area and scoffed at the notion locals would monitor potential anti-social behaviour on behalf of the developer. “It would become a guaranteed hotspot for anti-social behaviour,” the objector noted. “Already in that very location, the Gardai have been called on a number of occasions. The developer wants the residents to monitor the area for anti-social behaviour that he will have created? That is nothing short of ludicrous.” Acting for the Dun Aras Residents group, planning consultant Andrew Hersey outlined a number of concerns regarding what is proposed. “My clients in particular have concerns regarding the proposed entrance arrangements to the estate which is located directly opposite No 3 and 4 Dun Aras Avenue. …

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