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Plans for €1.2bn Clare data centre on hold as Council seeks further information

A DECISION on planning permission for the construction of a €1.2 billion data centre campus in Ennis has been put on hold as Clare County Council has sought further information on the development. In an extensive 11-page correspondence with developers Art Data Centres Ltd, Clare County Council have stated, “It is considered that the information submitted with this application is insufficient to enable the planning authority make a complete planning assessment of the proposal.” The authority outlines all documentation submitted with the application has been considered and assessed including the Environmental Impact Assessment Report and the Natura Impact Statement. “In order to complete the assessment of the direct and indirect effects on the environment of the proposed development the planning authority requires the submission of the further information,” the planning authority said. Before making a decision on the plans further details on the project have been sought by the council under a number of headings including: potential project splitting; drainage, …

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Green light given to plans for new Aldi store in Ennis

PLANS for a second Aldi store in Ennis have been given the green light by Clare County Council despite opposition from local retailers. The council has granted planning permission, subject to 10 conditions, to Brian Lohan for a change of use from retail warehouse to a discount food store at the Westpoint Retail Park on the Kilrush Road. Assessing the proposal, planners with Clare County Council determined that the existing building “has been underutilised for some time and its redevelopment at this location would be positive and enhance the vibrancy of this particular part of the town”. Aldi have already confirmed their intention to open a new store in the retail park if planning permission was granted for the change of use. According to Aldi this new outlet will create 30 new permanent jobs at the store, and up to 50 construction jobs, with the aim of opening in late 2023. A number of local businesses had voiced concern about …

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Clare hurling manager’s press complaint upheld

THE Press Ombudsman and the Press Council of Ireland have upheld a complaint made by Clare hurling manager Brian Lohan regarding an article in the Irish Independent, writes Owen Ryan. Mr Lohan was not given an opportunity to comment prior to the publication of the article, which made a number of critical references to him. It was subsequently found that Principle 1 of the Code of Practice of the Press Council of Ireland had been breached, which states that in reporting news and information, the press shall strive at all times for truth and accuracy. In a summary of the matter published on the Press Council website it stated, “On the 6 July 2021, the Press Ombudsman upheld a complaint that the Irish Independent breached Principle 1 (Truth and Accuracy) of the Code of Practice of the Press Council of Ireland. “The Irish Independent published in its sports section an article about how, among other things, Covid-19 restrictions had led …

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Clare FG TD confirms support for 100% pyrite redress

CLARE’S Fine Gael TD has moved to scotch claims circulating online that he has not publicly backed the campaign for 100% redress for homeowners affected by pyrite and mica, writes Fiona McGarry. Deputy Joe Carey pointed out that, contrary to assertions by the Mica Action Group in a number of social media posts, he supports 100% redress. He said he has “consistently articulated that position publicly and in representations to Minister O’Brien”. During Minister Darragh O’Brien’s visit to Clare at the end of last month, Deputy Carey was asked specifically whether he supports increasing the level of grant support available under the Defective Concrete Blocks Scheme from 90 to 100%. “I have advocated to Minister O’Brien the need for a 100% redress scheme across the board,” he told the Clare media. “I don’t think it’s right at homeowners, through no fault of their own, should have to bear the costs of associated with pyrite and the follow-up from it. “I’ve …

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Culture Night to showcase the best the county has to offer

CLARE’S cultural community will come together on Friday to showcase the very best the county has to offer. Clare Culture Night 2021 will see 30 free cultural events being held, with a mix of live and virtual events allowing audiences across the county and beyond to connect through culture. The myriad of events will run throughout the evening from 4pm. This year’s programme, which is organised by Clare Arts Office and funded by Clare County Council and the Arts Council, is filled with free live events across the county from Ennis to Doolin, Lissycasey to Mountshannon, Feakle to Ennistymon, and free online events. The host of virtual events will provide culture from all corners of the county and will be available to view throughout the evening. This year, artist Ana Colomer has created a unique piece for Culture Night, combining puppetry, storytelling, film and music, which was filmed in various locations around the county. Malbay Studios presents ‘Lugh – The …

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Clare postman got ‘bull thick’ over speeding ticket, says garda

A POSTMAN got “bull thick” with a garda after he found out he was getting a speeding ticket, a court has heard. At Ennis District Court, Garda Darren Lynch said he was operating a speed detection point at Cahercalla More, Kilrush Road, Ennis on January 14, 2021, when he stopped a vehicle driven by Gearoid Noel O’Brien (25). Garda Lynch said the vehicle was detected driving at 82 km per hour in a 60km zone The garda said Mr O’Brien told him he had been “caught here before” and that he was not going to pay any speeding ticket. Garda Lynch said Mr O’Brien then said to him, “Shove it (ticket) up your hole, you fat b*****d”. Mr O’Brien, with an address at Villa Park, Monmore, Kilrush, denied speeding and contested the summons against him. In cross examination, defence solicitor Daragh Hassett put it to Garda Lynch that it appeared that he and his client did not get on too …

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Bus and rail firms challenged over state of Ennis station

ENNIS bus and rail station is being “run into the ground” a county councillor believes. Councillor Mary Howard has criticised both Bus Éireann and Iarnród Éireann accusing them of neglecting the station and leaving it to become a “sad and lonely place”. Her comments came in the wake of images circulating on social media showing bus times at the station written in marker which was heavily criticised online. When contacted about the timetables, Bus Éireann said that it worked to ensure the timetables were replaced as soon as possible, and confirmed there are no plans to introduce a supervisor to the station. While Iarnród Éireann has insisted that it is “committed to providing a quality service to our customers at Ennis”. Councillor Howard has called for a permanent bus inspector and station master to be installed in Ennis, fearing that there is a risk of future anti-social behaviour at the station. “If you go to any country in the world, …

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Young Clare mum: ‘I never thought we’d have a home like this’

Roisín Fisher on her joy at getting a home for herself and daughter Laia I was delighted to move into our new home in Inbhear na Sionna. Before moving into this apartment, my daughter Laia and I were in homeless accommodation. For nearly two years we lived in BnB in Ennis. As you can imagine, it’s very difficult to live in just one room with a small child. After that, we moved into the Family Hub in Ennis, which was a big improvement in many ways as I was able to cook for myself and my daughter. There were appliances, a fridge an oven and washing machine. I was able to do a lot more for us as a family, even just being able to wash clothes and prepare a proper meal was an improvement. There were other people in a similar situation to me there too, so even though it was lonely in many ways because I’m not from …

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