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More pyrite cases emerge in east of county

FURTHER concerns have emerged over potential pyrite damage to a number of homes in the South East Clare area. It is understood that publicity around the issue of defective blocks and the visit of the Housing Minister to see a badly affected home in Drumline has prompted other homeowners to come forward. Following a number of calls to The Champion from concerned homeowners, Councillor Patrick O’Gorman confirmed that he has also been contacted. “There are definitely more people who now realise that their houses may be affected,” the Cratloe man said. “As recently as last weekend, I’ve met homeowners who believe there may be pyrite in their homes. In one case, a couple have decided they’re going to have to sleep at one end of their house, because of their fears over the condition of the other side of it. “It’s a very worrying situation and it’s only after the issue was highlighted in the media by the action group …

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Braids developers appeal Council’s refusal to ABP

THE developer of a primary health care facility in Ennis insists a proposed extension, refused planning permission, is required by the HSE to facilitate the operation of a Chronic Disease unit for the region. Valley Healthcare Fund Infrastructure Investment Fund ICAV has lodged an appeal to An Bord Pleanala against the refusal by Clare County Council of plans to increase the size of the development at the former Braids site on Station Road. Last month, in a split decision, Clare County Council refused to amend planning permission previously granted for a mixed use development that would increase the floor area from 7,250sqm to 8,008sqm with the provision of an additional floor set back at roof top level as well as an additional deck of car parking. The local authority gave the green light to other aspects of the application seeking to amend the initial health care facility plans. The new proposals were the subject of a number of objections from …

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Call for cemeteries to be more inclusive to other faiths

BURIAL grounds across Clare must be more inclusive of people of all faiths and religious beliefs, the council’s rural committee has been told. At a meeting of the Rural Development Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) this week, Anny Wise, a member of the Baha’i faith outlined her own family’s experience of the regulations. She said the existing bye-laws had resulted in items being repeatedly removed from the grave of her baby grandson. The family was eventually told by a local undertaker that their preference for a boundary around the burial plot was contrary to the rules on lawn cemeteries, where kerbing and surrounds are not allowed. Ms Wise’s comments followed the presentation of a review of the operation of burial grounds in Clare and led to an assurance from the rural directorate that the council’s policies are fully inclusive of all faiths and none. Ms Wise, who represents the environmental and conservation sectors on the SPC, was among the many members …

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Call for State to solve student housing crisis

Third level experience lost to many forced to endure huge commutes THE government has been urged by a West Clare student to take action to provide more affordable student accommodation in Galway City. Fionn Sexton (21) has been forced to commute daily from Miltown Malbay to Galway City due to the lack of affordable student accommodation since September 6. This involves getting the 7.55am bus from Miltown to Ennis, transferring on to the 9.25am bus from Ennis to Galway, arriving in the city for 10.40am. Most of his morning lectures start after 11, apart from his Thursday lecture, which commences at 9am, forcing him to stay on a friend’s couch on Wednesday night. He takes the 7.05pm bus from Galway to Ennis arriving at 8.20, but needs a lift from a family member to get home after 9pm. “Commuting precludes me from a lot of things. I am a member of the book club and Ogra Fianna Fail in Galway, …

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Communion for two in Lahinch!

North Clare twins the only ones in school for sacrament TWIN boys from North Clare will make their First Holy Communion together on Saturday in a ceremony where they will be the only two candidates to receive the sacrament. Cian and Donnchadh Vaughan, who are nine years of age, were the only two pupils in second class last year at Furglan National School, near Lahinch. When the pandemic caused ceremonies to be deferred, the boys, like hundreds of thousands of other children around the country, faced a long wait for the milestone. “They were on tenterhooks for the summer really,” said mum Patricia, who is principal of the school. “The delay was all for the best really because now we can have all the extended family and friends and we’ll be able to mark the day. “Their big brother Joshua, who is 17, will be there and dad, Frank, as well as the uncles and aunties. “We are very lucky …

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Carey welcomes ‘constructive’ meeting on defective blocks issue

A “CONSTRUCTIVE” meeting was held on Friday (September 24) between the Tanaiste, Deputy Joe Carey and a number of other Fine Gael representatives in counties affected by pyrite and mica.  The urgent meeting with the Fine Gael leader Leo Varadkar was instigated by Deputies Carey, Joe McHugh and Alan Dillion over concerns that a review of the Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme might not result in homeowner’s full costs being met. Welcoming the Tånasite’s assurance that the possibility of 100% redress remains on the table, Deputy Carey described the meeting as “very constructive”. “It was very constructive and this is a very important time for the campaign for a fit-for-purpose redress scheme which covers 100% of homeowners costs,” he said. “We are really getting down to the nitty gritty now and it’s important that we do all in our power to secure improvements [in the grant scheme] and 100% redress.” The Clarecastle man has also said he expects a meeting …

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CLIMB ‘bought child’s worry and fear into perspective’

The CLIMB programme provides free counselling and support for children from aged from five to 13 whose parent, brother or sister, member of extended family or other significant adult such as a child minder has cancer. Two Clare families who have benefited from the sessions provided by CLIMB leader, Marie Guiney-Kelly from Clare Sláinte An Chláir outline their experience. Dan Danaher spoke with these families about their experiences. A KILNAMONA family, who participated in a free counselling programme specifically geared for children dealing with the emotional impact of cancer, have urged others in the same situation to follow in their footsteps. When Pauline Roughan was diagnosed with breast cancer in May 2019 she was handed a leaflet in University Hospital Limerick (UHL) on how to tell children about a cancer diagnosis. A visit to the nearby Slaínte An Chláir made her aware of the CLIMB programme, which has made a huge difference to all the family. She believes the Oncology …

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Recycle mattresses for free in Clare with Council initiative

CLARE people looking to dispose of that most awkward of household items – the mattress – can spring into action next weekend. Saturday, October 2, has been declared Mattress Amnesty Day, with Clare County Council giving householders the opportunity to recycle old mattresses for free. A free household #MattressAmnestyDay will take place Sat, 2nd October, 8:30am to 1:00pm at the Central Waste Management Facility, Inagh. A max of up to 5 clean and dry mattresses will be accepted. Mattresses from commercial customers will not be accepted.@GreenerClare @Dept_ECC pic.twitter.com/uDeAmQb52Z — Clare County Council (@ClareCoCo) September 27, 2021 Any old mattress that has been lurking about the house since being replaced on beds can be brought to the Central Waste Management Facility in Inagh between 8.30am and 1pm on that day. Mattresses dumped illegally have been a scourge of the countryside and funding for this ‘amnesty’ was awarded by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications through the 2021 Anti-Dumping Initiative. …

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