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Clare edition of Moving West to air on TG4

THE Clare edition of TG4 show “Moving West”, hosted by Mary Kennedy, will air on Thursday at 9pm and repeat on Monday, October 18, at 7:30pm, writes Conor Clohessy. The series, produced by Dundara Television and Media in partnership with the Western Development Commission, follows families and individuals who have moved to the west of Ireland searching for a better work/life balance and new career opportunities. Moving West began airing on September 23; its fourth episode follows the journey of Aoibheann Boyle and Adam Coleman, who moved to Kilkee and Lahinch respectively. Aoibheann said: “My mother and I escaped to Kilkee for a few days before the December lockdown, and while we were there I saw an ad for a job in the Tourism Space. Within the year I was moving for that job. When I was abroad, I would always say I’m from the east, but my heart is from the west. Kilkee was more home than home – …

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Clare man comes up trumps with Bridge award

AFTER many years of involvement in the promotion and administration of the game, Danny Liddy was named 2021 winner of the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland’s President’s Award. It’s a prestigious honour for the genial and modest Crusheen man, who has helped bring the pleasure of bridge into many Clare people’s lives.  Danny began playing back in 1986, and soon developed a huge love of the game. “We used to play Solo (another card game) with Marie and Gerry Kennedy, lord have mercy on Gerry. In the course of playing that game one night we were watching the television, and there was a thing on bridge. From that we decided we’d go to bridge classes and it was like a drug after that. We were hooked on it. Gerry was my first partner, we went to classes and that’s where it went from.” He was delighted with this new passion. “Our mentor at the time was a man called Jim …

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Moves to improve accessibility in Ennis town centre

PLANS to improve the accessibility of Ennis’ town centre, including upgrading disabled parking spaces, have been approved by the Ennis Municipal District. The proposals involve works at Friary Carpark, Abbey Street Carpark and Lower Market Street. Discussions had been held at the design stage with the local branch of the Irish Wheelchair Association whose views were taken on board. According to Barry Conway, executive engineer, “The progression of this scheme will be of great benefit to the local community and visitors to the town and will make the area safe in terms of accessibility and safety of travel.” Details of the plans were outlined at a recent meeting of the Ennis Municipal District, with councillors giving their backing to the proposals. The works involve: upgrading of disabled parking spaces to meet current standards; adjustment to footways; provision of kerbing and dropped kerbs; provision of uncontrolled pedestrian crossing; provision of all associated signage and road markings, and associated drainage and ancillary …

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Scant detail in NDP on Shannon rail link

THIS week’s National Development Plan has promised that more support will be made available to Shannon Airport going forward. “In line with the 2015 ‘National Aviation Policy for Ireland’, Cork and Shannon Airports will continue to be supported in their roles as key tourism and business gateways for their regions, particularly with regard to the development of niche markets,” the report stated. It said that Shannon may soon be able to access funding that up until now was reserved for smaller competitors. “Airports that facilitate international connectivity, and handle less than 1 million annual passengers, are eligible to apply for grant aid under the new 2021 – 2025 Programme. “Eligible airports include Donegal, Kerry and Ireland West (Knock). However, given the impacts of Covid on passenger numbers, Shannon and Cork airports are likely to be eligible for funding under this Programme in 2022 and potentially 2023.” It also said that aviation will be encouraged to wean itself off fossil fuels. …

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Ennis MAU expansion will take heat off UHL

A FURTHER expansion of the Medical Assessment Unit (MAU) in Ennis Hospital is underway with a staff recruitment process ongoing, writes Jessica Quinn. A non-consultant hospital doctor, clerical staff member, and additional members of staff in cardiology services are in situ, while three additional nursing staff are scheduled to take up their posts within the next fortnight. Additional resources in allied health, general support and radiology are also at various stages of an ongoing recruitment process, the HSE confirmed in a response to representations made on the matter by Clare Independent TD Michael McNamara. “The first phase of the expansion was effected in December 2020 with four additional slots being provided from Monday to Friday,” said Deputy McNamara. “Once the personnel that are currently being recruited are in place, the HSE says it will be in a position to increase the number of weekly slots in the MAU by a further 32 between Monday and Friday and 20 at weekends …

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Clare woman’s December dips to raise money for Mid-West Simon

AN inspirational Clare woman is lending her love of sea swimming to a fundraising drive to raise €50,000 for the most vulnerable in our community. Mid West Simon Community has teamed up with Clare’s June Curtin for the initiative with June committing to three swims a day for three weeks in December to raise money for the charity. As founder of Snamhaí Sásta, June is no stranger to the icy cold waters of Spanish Point, but building on her successful fundraising campaign last year, she has upped the ante this year by committing to a total of 63 swims, between December 1 and December 21. June and her community of happy swimmers have been meeting at Spanish Point every day since 2019 and it has been the catalyst towards helping many maintain their mental health. View this post on Instagram A post shared by June Curtin (@snamhaisasta) “Swimming has helped me immensely over the past two years,” said June, “and …

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New Raheen Hospital unit to open next year

STATE-OF-THE ART new facilities are to come on stream at Raheen Community Hospital by the middle of next year, according to Clare’s Independent TD. Scariff’s Deputy Michael McNamara told The Champion he has received confirmation from the Health Service Executive (HSE) that the proposed new build ward extension at the Tuamgraney facility will be fully operational during the second quarter of 2022. “The first phase of the works commenced in March and involved the relocation of the existing plant and boiler house which was sited on the footprint of the new build,” he said. “The HSE has informed me that these works have been completed and that work on the 420m2 extension to the new build is underway.” The additional unit will involve a number of new long-stay facilities. “The project includes the provision of seven long-stay replacement beds as part of an extension which will reduce the density of beds in the long stay wards and address deficiencies identified …

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Idea of artisan future is floated for historic but run-down Ennis district

AN historic area of Ennis with the highest vacancy rate in the town “risks further decline” unless regeneration action is taken, a meeting of the local authority has been warned. Calls have been made on the Ennis Municipal District by Councillors Johnny Flynn, Ann Norton and Clare Colleran Molloy to “urgently” develop an action plan for Chapel Lane. Speaking at the monthly meeting of the local authority Councillor Flynn suggested that Chapel Lane could be redeveloped to facilitate artists to live and work in the area, spearheading further regeneration of the town. “With the public realm upgrade of Parnell Street and the 29 lanes and bow-ways I believe that developing a regeneration of Chapel Lane to, for example assist artists and crafters working and living in the lane, could be a blueprint for regeneration of other areas of the historic town centre,” he said. Recalling the history of the lane he outlined that the Historic Town Atlas of Ennis map …

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