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New book captures history and life of Ennis Military Barracks

A FASCINATING new book detailing the history of Ennis Barracks and life therein is available to purchase. The Old Military Barracks has been written by William Crowley, who recounts his own experience of growing up there, and presents a collection of articles on military history, residents, sport, maps and photographs associated with the the Barracks on the Kilrush Road. “We had a massive big playground within the walls, also loyal neighbours and great friendship,” he said. “We  had our own sports field, our very own handball alley, our own boxing club which we utilized whenever youngsters from other parts of the town tried to overtake our territory and all disputes were handled in McGuane’s Field across from the front gate of the Barracks”. In her introduction to the book, the Mayor of the Ennis Municipal District, Councillor Ann Norton noted the huge history associated with the facility. “It is so important that the history of the Military Barracks is in print …

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Clare student seeks formula for success

A BUNRATTY teenager is part of an all-girl team of Transition Year students in Laurel Hill Secondary School FCJ Limerick, taking part in a competition to design, engineer and manufacture a model Formula 1 car, writes Conor Clohessy. Maya Rooney (16) is the engineer for the the “Formula 1 in Schools” project, in which they will , blueprint the miniature car through computer design programmes; it is her responsibility to work around prototypes. The project is headed by the team manager Aaliyah Coughlan (15), who is responsible for ensuring everything runs smoothly across the board throughout the complex process. Other members include resources officer Lara Sheehan, designer Eva Kiely, fundraising and sponsorship officer Andrea Forde, and social media manager Ameenah Husseini – all 15. Maya explained: “First of all, me and Eva have to design our prototype on paper, and we work together to put it into design. While we do that, the rest of the team work on finding …

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Controlled crossing on Clare Road welcomed by members

AN accident in which two school girls were knocked down while crossing the road near St Flannan’s College was recalled this week as Ennis councillors welcomed plans for a controlled crossing on the Clare Road. Last week the Clare Champion revealed that plans to reopen a pedestrian entrance at St Flannan’s College have been given the green light by Clare County Council. Under a condition of planning, no works are to take place until a controlled crossing is in place. At a meeting of the Ennis Municipal District this week Councillor Pat Daly said, “This is very, very welcome”. He recalled his early days using the old entrance to go into the school. “It is important that a controlled crossing is put in place to accommodate the kids crossing the road. I remember two students were knocked down in recent years.” Councillor Mary Howard recalled putting a motion before the council in 2019 calling for a crossing to be installed …

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Clare knife victim felt as if ‘face was falling off’

A MAN has been found guilty of a knife attack in Ennis that left the victim with a 20cm wound and the feeling that his face was “falling off”, writes Ronan Judge. At Ennis Circuit Court, a jury returned two guilty verdicts at the end of the trial of William McDonagh (30). McDonagh, with an addresses at Hazelbrook House, lower Gardiner street, Dublin and Clancy Park, Ennis, pleaded not guilty to assault causing harm to Wayne Higgins and the production of a kitchen knife during the course of the assault. Both counts arose from an incident that occurred in the Hermitage area of Ennis on the night of February 10, 2019. The two-day trial was heard before Judge Brian O’Callaghan last week. In evidence, Wayne Higgins (24), originally from Kilmaley and who has lived in Ennis, told the jury that he had been staying at the Laurel Lodge homeless hostel around the time of the assault. Mr Higgins said that …

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€100k for footpath works in Tulla

FOOTPATHS in Tulla are to be upgraded, thanks to a significant allocation from The Active Travel Fund. Designs are being drawn up currently, with works due to get underway early next year. “Around €100,000 has been secured,” Chairperson of the Killaloe Municipal District, Councillor Joe Cooney confirmed. “Some works have been done in the past in Tulla, but some of the existing paths are now in bad condition. I’ve been working on this issue for a number of years and the funding is very welcome. “Clare County Council is drawing up designs. We had hoped that the works would start before the end of 2021, but with the pandemic and other factors, it will now be the first quarter of 2022 when the works begin.” Councillor Cooney added that in light of the ongoing development of Tulla, improvements to local infrastructure were particularly important. “Tulla is thriving and there’s lots of development underway” he said. “It’s fantastic news now that …

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Community orchestra strikes up

Kinvara is the home of a new, intergenerational community orchestra! Established by Fiona Buckley, and operating on a voluntary basis under the patronage of Tigh Sayre (Kinvara) and Gort Family Resource Centre, the aim of the orchestra is to provide an enjoyable opportunity for people, young and old, to play music together. The orchestra already has over 30 members with a full string section and an unusual mix of traditional and classical instruments. A group of vocalists also feature in the orchestra. The Orchestra’s musical director is New Quay man Garry O’Briain. Orchestra members generally hail from the Burren Lowlands area including Gort, Ardrahan, Kinvara, Ballindereen and New Quay. A significant number of members have not previously played in an orchestra while many others have a well-established background in traditional music. Some are amateur musicians, others are semi-professional or teachers of music and a number of teenage musicians have also joined. Orchestral rehearsals take place on Sunday mornings from 10.30-12.30 …

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Multiple objections to Quin mast

Controversial proposed telecommunications installation attracts negative submissions from groups and individuals PLANS for a new telecommunications mast in Quin village have generated considerable local opposition, on the grounds of the size, location and potential health and environmental impact of the proposed 24-metre structure. As the public consultation period drew to a close last Monday, at least eight submissions had been received. A number of these are group objections, containing petitions signed by several residents of the village. Among the objectors are the Quin Heritage Group, who describe their village as “a microcosm of past history”. “Bridges, abbeys, 13th century churches and about a dozen Big Houses, dating to the 18th and 19th centuries lie around,” the group’s objection outlines. The organisation describes the proposed mast as “intrusive” and “incongruous”. “While we have no objection to progress,” the group says, “Quin is not the place for this structure.” Another objection, signed by some residents of Dún na Mánach and Manor View, …

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Canon Caimin O’Carroll to be laid to rest on Wednesday

THE death occurred at the weekend of Canon Caimin O’Carroll, retired Parish Priest of Doora-Barefield. Canon Caimin was a native of Scariff, and was a priest of the Diocese of Killaloe for 67 years.  He was a past pupil of St Flannan’s College, Ennis. He studied for the priesthood at St Patrick’s College, Maynooth where he was ordained in June 1954. His first appointment was in the Diocese of Brentwood in England. He returned to Ireland in 1959 to become curate in Portroe Co Tipperary. In March 1961 he was appointed as curate in Templederry Co Tipperary. In 1966 he became the curate in Doora-Barefield parish and was also appointed as Diocesan Secretary.  He was appointed Parish Priest of Doora-Barefield, Co Clare on October 23, 1987. He was appointed AP in the same parish in July 2005. On July 26, 1991 he became a Canon of the Chapter of the diocese of Killaloe. On July 23, 1993 he was appointed …

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