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Riding the road less travelled

Quin man Declan McEvoy on the freedom, fears and challenges of his 5,000 mile motorcycle trip around Africa AN ADVENTURE addict from Quin is back on his motorbike with the easing of travel restrictions and making his way up the continent of Africa, a journey of around 5,000 miles. Declan McEvoy set a new Guinness World Record, just before the pandemic, when he rode across a frozen Lake Baikal. He now describes himself as being on Stage 5 of a ‘Round the World by Motorbike’ adventure. After arriving in Johannesberg in South Africa on October 7, with his beloved bike, Declan began the process of getting to the most southerly point of the African continent. At Cape Agulhas on October 18, he pointed his bike north and has been carefully plotting his course back home ever since. This journey, like many other of Declan’s has been fraught with challenges and hitches – both mechanical and bureaucratic. He admits some of …

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€9m+ for projects in rural Clare with more to come

OVER €9 million came to Clare from the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund (RRDF) in 2018 and 2019, according to figures provided at last week’s meeting of the Ennistymon and Kilrush Municipal Districts. The projects and amounts to receive funding were: Ennistymon Innovation Centre, €1,023,300; Lahinch Seaworld, €2,908,750; Vandeleur Estate in Kilrush, €1,975,819; Loop Head Visitor Attraction, €868,500; Inis Cealtra in Lough Derg, €920,500; Doolin Pier, €465,571; and Cnoc na Gaoithe in Tulla, €900,000. A report accompanying the figures stated, “The Rural Regeneration and Development Fund (RRDF) is a major programme of investment established under the National Development Plan which seeks to support large-scale, ambitious projects which can achieve sustainable economic and social development in rural areas. “The Fund is administered by the Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) with targeted investment in rural Ireland over the period 2019 to 2027.  “The purpose of the fund is to support job creation in rural areas, address depopulation of rural communities …

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McInerney eager to avoid another hard luck story

At aged 22, Cian McInerney has accomplished more than most on the hurling field. However, he isn’t satisfied to just add a county final appearance to his ever expanding CV with the talented hurler hoping to be part of history by helping Inagh-Kilnamona lift the Canon Hamilton Cup on Sunday afternoon. He wants to atone for previous defeats, most notably his side’s 2019 semi final defeat to Sixmilebridge. The secondary school teacher believes his side took plenty of lessons from that loss but he does not want a repeat result when coming up against an experienced Ballyea outfit. The former Clare minor insists his side have developed a greater mental toughness since that loss, highlighted by their gritty win against Éire Óg in the semi finals a fortnight ago. “Two years ago in that semi final we led for most of it but the ‘bridge used their experience to get over the line. We lost that game and it was …

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Final experience no substitute for leadership

From the outside looking in, Ballyea have the experience while Inagh-Kilnamona have the momentum ahead of Sunday’s novel showdown for the Canon Hamilton Cup in Cusack Park. Having been down this road twice before and managed to prevail on both occasions, Ballyea’s senior triumphs in 2016 and ’18 will still be fresh in the memory while the heightened county final build-up, occasion and understandable nerves will be a completely new experience to an Inagh-Kilnamona side competing in their first senior decider. There is one obvious flaw in that theory however as Ballyea’s Jack Browne quickly pointed out. “We happened to win the first county final we were in too so there is no secret formula. Look, you’d hope that having played in finals before that it helps but there’s no guarantees. “Take us for example, it’s fair to say that every year you play in championship, you don’t want to lose any game and we’d love to be in a …

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When winning you start believing

Inagh-Kilnamona manager Eugene Cullinan insists his side don’t lack belief despite the club appearing in their first ever senior final. Cullinan states that the belief his side possesses comes from their underage success with the club winning the U21 title in 2016 and ’18. They have also secured top honours at minor level in 2017 and were victorious once more at this grade after beating Clooney-Quin last weekend. “When you are winning you start believing. The players have gotten a taste of success and so when they came up to senior they were able to win. This group have belief in themselves. That belief comes over a period of time and for us it’s come from the work at underage.” “There is a lot of work going on at underage level. It doesn’t just happen overnight. It takes a lot of people willing to give up their time to coach the players all the way up to this. It’s something …

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Robbie keeps his eye on the ball

There’s a turning point in every season that ultimately defines whether a team converges or diverges. In Ballyea’s storied season of 2016, it was arguably their rousing Round 3 fightback to pip a goal hungry Clooney-Quin to the post which placed them on an unforgettable journey of momentum that included historic breakthroughs at county, provincial and almost national level to boot. Upon his return to the helm for the first time since that momentous year, Robbie Hogan didn’t have to wait long for their defining juncture of the championship as it came with an opening dogfight with relative newcomers Broadford that Ballyea were extremely fortunate to survive by the minimum. It was a sobering scare that has kept Ballyea firmly on their toes ever since according to Hogan. “I still have a sliotar in the door of my van with the Broadford crest on it and that’s a reminder of how fine the margins are in the Clare Championship. You …

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Inagh-Kilnamona firepower can settle a tight encounter

Senior Hurling Championship Final Ballyea v Inagh-Kilnamona at Cusack Park Ennis, Sunday 2.30pm (Johnny Healy, Smith O’Brien’s) IT’S that age old conundrum of experience versus momentum that in truth has no scientific formula to back either case up. Over the years, both sides of the divide have prevailed but in more recent local case studies, it’s the freshness and unstoppable propulsion of the newcomer that have edged matters. Take Éire Óg’s football equivalent victory over a vastly experienced Kilmurry Ibrickane last Sunday or Smith O’Brien’s upset over St Joseph’s Doora/Barefield in the intermediate hurling decider a week previously. That trend is of course good reading for Inagh-Kilnamona who instead of being caught up in the occasion, have been busy trying to patch up the likes of Aidan McCarthy and David Fitzgerald ahead of Sunday’s historic first senior final. Ballyea obviously have had their injury woes too. One would have to have been cocooning for the last two months not to …

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Action urged to save offshore windfarm

THE ESB and the government are being urged to seek another investment partner for the proposed €2 billion windfarm off the Clare coast following the “devastating” withdrawal of Norwegian firm Equinor. Equinor has pulled out of the Irish market, having previously reached an agreement with the ESB to develop a major 1.4GW wind farm using floating technology off the West Clare coast. Council chairman, Councillor PJ Ryan called on the government to introduce a streamlined simple planning process and remove any obstacles concerning connection to the national grid to get the vital project back on track. Councillor Ryan said given the emphasis on tackling climate change the government should prioritise the necessary regulations to ensure this project was “shovel ready” to proceed. Clare Dáil TDs Cathal Crowe and Violet-Anne Wynne have expressed different views on the impact of this setback for a major element of Moneypoint’s €5 billion Green Atlantic initiative. Deputy Wynne believes the future of the offshore windfarm …

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