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Volunteer Tom praises training as he joins RNLI crew

THE newest fully qualified member Lough Derg RNLI’s lifeboat crew has told how good it feels to be able to help others, as the organisation urges others to volunteer and get involved. Following his final assessment with Helena Duggan, RNLI Assessor/Trainer, earlier this month, Tom Hayes has been passed out as a fully qualified lifeboat crew member with Lough Derg RNLI.   Encouraged by volunteer helm, Dom Sharkey, Tom joined the station first as a Deputy Launching Authority, a responsibility he held for two years.  The role of Deputy Launching Authority is central to operations within all RNLI lifeboat stations, as they make the decision to launch the lifeboat when a request is made by the Coast Guard to do so. Once the decision to launch is made, crew pagers are activated and both lifeboat crew and shore crew immediately travel to the station to attend to the call out.  Watching volunteers train and launch on ‘shouts’, and encouraged by Liam Maloney, …

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Witness appeal for horse hit and run on Clare beach

CLARE gardai have issued a renewed appeal for witnesses to an incident in Lahinch in October when a man was struck by a horse, whose rider subsequently left the scene. The incident occurred between 2.20pm and 2.25pm on Sunday, October 24, 2021 when a male in his forties was struck by a horse while walking on Lahinch beach close to O Brien’s Bridge, which is located at the Liscannor side of Lahinch Beach. There was a young girl in her late teens with the horse. It is believed that the horse and the girl left in the direction of Liscannor. The gentleman received medical attention as a result of this. Local enquiries have been conducted but the identity of the horse and jockey remain unknown. An appeal is being made for any witnesses who may have any information to assist with the identification of the horse/ jockey or any transport that was used to contact Ennistymon Garda Station on 7072180.

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Politicians accept patience wearing thin on pyrite

THERE was a large attendance of Oireachtas members and councillors at the recent pyrite protest in Ennis when politicians were warned that their seats could hang in the balance if redress isn’t provided soon. They could also face a further challenge in the form of election candidates standing on the issue of pyrite redress. Deputy Cathal Crowe told The Champion the frustration of homeowners was “very understandable”. “We have to respect where they are coming from,” he said. “They’re slowly watching their homes fall around them and with each month, the structure of their home deteriorates further.” In relation to a meeting with Minister Darragh O’Brien which was cancelled, at short notice, last week, Deputy Crowe was confident it would be rescheduled. “I’m in constant contact with Minister Darragh O’Brien and also with the redress group here in Clare,” he said. “Minister O’Brien made a firm commitment in Mary Hanley’s front lawn in August last year and he stands over …

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Clare housing development approved despite local opposition

CLARE County Council has granted planning permission for 14 houses at Dun Aras Avenue in Shannon despite strong local opposition. Ballycasey Property Developments Ltd’s planning application was granted permission subject to 25 conditions. It is now open to the objectors to appeal the Council decision to An Bord Pleanála should they wish to do so. Among the conditions of planning is a requirement for a payment of €77,686 to the Council “in respect of public infrastructure and facilities benefiting the development”. The developers are also required to provide a cash surety of €70,000 and there is a further requirement for a Special Development Contribution of €20,000 to be made to the local authority. Another condition included states, “The open spaces shall be developed for and devoted to public use and shall be kept free of any development, save for the proposed picnic area. “When the development is being taken in charge, the public areas including the open spaces that have …

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Clare cyclists go length of country for cancer charities

A FUNDRAISING cycle from Malin Head to Mizen Head will take place during the first week of June in memory of two women who spent many years cycling and fundraising before passing to their eternal reward during the second half of last year. On July 20, 2021, Susan O’Neill, from Ballyea, died from cancer and on November 11, 2021, Antoinette Pender from Quilty also died having contracted cancer. Both women had fought bravely before finally succumbing and the fundraising cycle is titled ‘South for Susan and Antoinette’. A limited number of cyclists will undertake the journey from Malin Head to Mizen Head between June 6 and 10. Overnight rest points are scheduled for Donegal Town, Claremorris, Ballyea and Blarney. Susan’s husband Michael O’Neill and Antoinette’s husband Jamsie have commenced training in preparation for the once-off event. Both are experienced cyclists and the long miles are not likely to be too daunting to them. Other cyclists who have volunteered for the …

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Nearly €800k spent on military in Shannon over three years

THE cost of providing military assistance to gardai for duties at Shannon Airport has come to nearly €800,000 over the last three years, writes Owen Ryan. In the Dáil Deputy Catherine Connolly asked Minister for Defence Simon Coveney for details on the expenditure and in reply he said that in 2019 it came to €214,213, in 2020 it was €270,708 and last year €273,027. Mr Coveney said, “Among the roles assigned to the Defence Forces is the provision of Aid to the Civil Power (ATCP) which, in practice, means to assist An Garda Síochána when requested. “I am satisfied that there is ongoing and close liaison between both An Garda Síochána and the Defence Forces, and between my Department and the Department of Justice and Equality regarding security matters generally, including the Defence Forces ATCP roles.” He said costs relate to security duty allowance paid to members of the Defence Forces, rations and fuel.

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Pyrite cracks cannot continue to be plastered over

It has been a long time since there was a parade in Ennis. The pandemic put paid to so many public celebrations. That’s why, on Saturday last when over 200 people took to the streets, there was a very brief sense that normal life was returning. There were people of all generations with banners and flags flying, grandparents gently steering small children along in the colourful crowd of marchers that set off, behind a Garda escort, from Áras Chontae an Chláir. But this parade was far from normal. There were no smiles as the gathering assembled at its focal point at The Height, in the shadow of The O’Connell Monument. Instead, stress and worry were clearly visible on the faces of children, parents and grandparents as they heard calls for action on their pyrite-damaged homes. They listened to stories of others whose homes, like theirs, have started to crack and crumble. They heard of the fear and insecurity for those …

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Ann Walsh’s killer moved from open to closed prison

THE family of a Kilrush woman who was murdered 17 years ago has welcomed the transfer of her killer from an open to a closed prison, writes Dan Danaher. The Clare Champion has learned that Raymond Donovan was recently transferred from Shelton Abbey Open Centre to Castlerea Prison, which is a closed medium security prison. It is understood that Donovan was transferred to a closed prison after allegedly contravening prison rules. Ann Walsh from Pella Road, Kilrush, was 23 years and four months old when she was strangled by her former boyfriend, Raymond Donovan from Cooraclare in the grounds of St Senan’s Church, Kilrush on August 24, 2005. Donovan was convicted of her murder at the Central Criminal Court in Ennis with Mr Justice Paul Carney imposing a mandatory life sentence following a unanimous guilty verdict by a jury. Ann had been going out with Donovan for three years but had split from him a year previous to the attack. …

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