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UL and Council look to advance major South East Clare project

AN application has been made to government by University of Limerick and Clare County Council to have lands adjoining the north campus of the University designated an Economic Strategic Development Zone. It is envisaged that the site will have a range of education, research, living, working, and recreational spaces integrated within the University campus environment and could generate up to 3,500 jobs in the construction phase. Economic forecasts have suggested that the site could generate a gross added value of €1.795 billion annually to the Irish economy. President of UL Professor Kerstin Mey and Chief Executive of Clare County Council Pat Dowling have formally written to the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage Darragh O’Brien, TD to seek the designation. The application submitted to government to expand and designate lands on the north campus of the University as a Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) has been made through the UL and Clare Economic Development Agency Designated Activity Company (DAC). The …

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Opposition to mast in Clare town continues to grow

CONTROVERSIAL plans for a 21-metre telecoms mast in Scariff have prompted a major objection from a group calling itself East Clare Community Residents, writes Fiona McGarry. Eir proposes to replace a 12-metre wooden pole, at its exchange on The Connacht Road, with a much higher mast with dishes, antennas and other equipment. When submissions closed at the end of January, a total of 11 objections had been made. One of those is a detailed document with 48 signatures on behalf of East Clare Community Residents. Deputy Michael McNamara, has also made a representation on the file, “requesting the need for Clare County Council to engage with those who have made submissions and those who have concerns within the wider public to ensure those concerns are addressed in the planning process”. The 14-page objection from East Clare Community Residents raises concerns about the impact of the proposed mast on the Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) of Scariff and Tuamgraney. It outlines detailed …

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Man airlifted to hospital after accident at Moneypoint

A man was airlifted to hospital today after he was injured in an incident at the ESB’s Moneypoint power station in West Clare. The man, a mechanical contractor in his 50s, is understood to have sustained serious leg injuries in an accident involving a forklift. National Ambulance Service paramedics attended the scene and treated the injured man. It was decided that the casualty should be flown to the nearest suitable hospital so an air ambulance was requested. The HSE’s Emergency Aeromedical Service (EAS) tasked the Cork-based, charity-funded Irish Community Air Ambulance (ICAA) helicopter to respond to the incident. The helicopter landed in a GAA field near Kilrush and the injured man was transported by road to meet the aircraft. The man was then airlifted to University Hospital Limerick for treatment. The flight took less than 15 minutes while the 80 kilometre journey by road would have taken over an hour. The man is being treated for crush injuries. A spokesperson …

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Woman assaulted during break-in to Ennis home

GARDAí are appealing for witnesses after two people burgled a home in Ennis and assaulted a woman in the house. The incident occurred in the Dun na Hinse estate at 11.43 p.m. on Thursday, February 10. Two males dressed in black and wearing black masks entered an apartment in the estate and assaulted the female resident. When they left the apartment they jumped the wall at the rear. It is not known what vehicle was used and what direction they left in. Crime prevention officer Sergeant Triona Brooks said, “We are appealing for anyone who may have seen any car or persons acting suspiciously in Dun Na Hinse on the night of Thursday February 10 between 23.30hrs – 00.00hrs. “We are also appealing to a person who passed near the scene at 23.45hrs on an electric scooter wearing a high-vis jacket to contact Ennis Garda Station on 6848100.” 

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Learn-to-cycle facility proposed for Clare’s county town

A NEW facility to help children learn to cycle could be on track for Ennis, writes Jessica Quinn. A proposal to create a ‘Learn to Cycle Track’ in the county capital is currently being explored by the local authority. Putting forward the idea at the monthly meeting of the Ennis Municipal District Councillor Mary Howard stated that the track would help build children’s cycling confidence and encourage them to get on their bikes more. She urged the council to follow the lead of Dungarvan which recently opened Ireland’s first learn-to-cycle track. “We are all talking about walking buses and cycling buses to school, we are putting in cycling lanes and other infrastructure around the town. It is very important that we teach children how to use the road correctly.” She explained that the track allows for children to learn to cycle in a way that mimics a real life road structure with road lines, signs and pedestrian crossings. The only …

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Wind warning issued for Clare with two storms to hit this week

A YELLOW wind warning has been issued for Clare and other west coast counties this Wednesday. Westerly winds associated with Storm Dudley will reach mean speeds of 50 – 65km/h with damaging gusts of 80 – 110km/h, stronger on exposed coasts and on high ground. A combination of high tide and strong winds will lead to some coastal flooding. On Friday, a second named storm, Eunice, will bring more widespread strong winds, along with spells of heavy rain and possibly snow. Road users in affected areas are advised to check local traffic and weather conditions before setting out on a journey. The following advice is being given to road users. Motorists; Control of a vehicle may be affected by strong cross winds, especially on exposed routes such as dual carriageways and motorways. High sided vehicles and motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable to strong winds. Beware of objects being blown onto the road. Expect road conditions to change quickly in high winds …

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Clare club calls on council to keep pace with village’s growth

CRUSHEEN GAA has secured planning permission for a new astroturf facility, along with improvements to the accessibility of its grounds, writes Owen Ryan. The club is currently raffling a Skoda Fabia acquired from Al Hayes Motors to help with the cost of what will be the most significant expansion of its facilities in over 30 years. Michael O’Connor, whose five-year term as chairman of the club has just concluded, said that with Crusheen’s population expanding, it is important that the club keeps progressing. “Crusheen in the last number of years has spiralled in size, there’s nearly 300 houses in the village and more to come. “Also, on every side road you travel, there have been more and more one-off houses built over the last 10 or 12 years. It’s great for the community and so many people are joining the club every year, it’s nearly difficult to keep track.  “Two years ago we had to decide would we stay as …

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Service station near Killaloe sold €30.9m EuroMillions ticket

A family-run service station located about three kilometres from Killaloe bridge has sold a EuroMillions ticket worth an astonishing €30,928,078. The winning Quick Pick ticket was sold on Sunday, February 6 at Larkin’s Gala Service Station, Garryurtneal, Ballina, Killaloe. The Mid-West player has officially become the 17th EuroMillions jackpot winner ever seen in Ireland following the draw on Friday night. Siobhan Larkin, who owns the business with her husband Michael on the Ballina to Birdhill road, spoke of the complete shock and joy she felt on receiving the news over the weekend. “When our visitors from the National Lottery arrived here on Sunday evening, I was totally overwhelmed and in quite a state of shock. “I couldn’t believe that it was our store that sold the winning ticket worth €30.9 million. We are coming up to 21 years in business here this March so what a way this is to mark the occasion. “The vast majority of our customers are …

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