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Developers address concerns over Clare village apartments

A LANDMARK crafts company in Tuamgraney has given an assurance to planners that a proposed new small-scale apartment development will be in keeping with the village streetscape, writes Fiona McGarry. McKernan Woollen Mills Limited lodged plans last June for conversion of an existing cottage into three self-contained apartments. In August, planners requested Further Information (FI) from the company, in relation to the potential impact on the character of the East Clare village. In their letter, planners said they had “serious concerns in relation to the overall design of the development and the impact of same on both the Tuamgraney Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) and the general streetscape at this location”. Planners described the design of the rear extension as “inappropriate” and said there was “a lack of symmetry” in the arrangement of the windows in the front of the building. Further questions were asked about the size of one of the apartments, ventilation and possible overlooking of a neighbouring amenity …

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Judge orders ‘barking dog’ to be seized over disturbance

A JUDGE has ordered the surrender of a barking dog to the local dog warden due to the continual noise disturbance on a neighbour in Ennis. At Ennis District Court, Judge Mary Larkin has directed that Ennis woman Geraldine O’Loughlin deliver her ‘German Shepherd-like’ dog to the warden. Judge Larkin made the order in response to an application by Ms O’Loughlin’s neighbour, Shane Shannon of Gort Road, Ennis under legislation concerning the control of dogs. Judge Larkin concluded that the barking dog “is interfering substantially with Mr Shannon’s life”. She made the order under a little known provision of the Control of Dogs Act 1986 where a judge can make an order requiring the elimination of a nuisance caused by the “excessive barking” of an ‘unwanted dog’. In evidence, Mr Shannon said that the “large dog has been barking for as long as I have been there and that’s 11 years”. Mr Shannon said that the dog’s barking would go …

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Bill enabling use of CCTV to fight illegal dumping to be published

A NEW Bill which will enable local authorities to use CCTV to tackle illegal dumping is to be published in the coming weeks, Clare’s Fine Gael TD has learned. The issue which has been a huge source of concern, especially in the south and east of the county where large-scale fly-tipping is a recurring problem. The matter has been raised several times by local authority members who have been told the law must change in order to permit the use of CCTV at dumping blackspots. Deputy Joe Carey asked the Department of the Environment for a progress report on the legislation and regulation to enable local authorities to use CCTV in their fight against illegal dumping. In response, Minister for State Ossian Smyth outlined progress to-date. “The General Scheme of the Circular Economy Bill 2021 was published on 15 June 2021,” he told Deputy Carey. “It is my intention under the Bill to facilitate not only the use of CCTV, but also …

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Councillors seek measures to combat cost of living rise

INDEPENDENT councillor Gerry Flynn put forward a motion at a recent meeting of Clare County Council seeking to reduce the burden of inflation on those with lower incomes, writes Owen Ryan. “I am calling on the Minister for Finance to broaden the Household Benefits Package and include exemption from property tax for those people that are under extreme pressure to meet day to day expenses in light of the rising cost of living and their struggle to survive on a very low level of income,” he said. His motion was passed unanimously and he asked that it be circulated to other local authorities and Oireacthas members.  Speaking about the matter, Councillor Ann Norton said, “There are people out there on social welfare who are getting in and around €203. We all know the cost of living has gone up, we know people are suffering out there, we see the amount of people that are going to collect vouchers for food …

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IAA approved for new security measures amid trespass concerns

THE Irish Aviation Authority has been given planning permission for the replacement of boundary/perimeter fences at two of its buildings on Woodcock Hill with new 2.4metre high, pallisade fences. A letter which accompanied its two planning applications stated, “Having reviewed the option of replacing the existing fence with an identical type, our Safety and Security people have recommended that the existing fence be replaced with a more secure type fence to prevent the risk of unauthorised entry to the site with the possibility of injury to the trespassers and damage to the critical air navigational aids, which, if damaged, will affect operations in Irish airspace. “The specialist equipment located on site is not easily repaired or replaced in a hurry. “In order to prevent this happening, we are proposing to remove the existing fence and gate and replace it with a green plastic coated 2,400mm high palisade fence and gate.” It said that this would allow it to meet it …

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Steep rise in number of intoxicated drivers on Clare roads

CLARE’S most senior garda has expressed concern about a “significant” increase in the number of people caught driving while intoxicated, writes Fiona McGarry. Chief Superintendent Seán Colleran highlighted a 27% increase in Driving Under the Influence (CUI) incidents between last November and January, when compared to the same period in 2020/21. Addressing the Joint Policing Committee (JPC) meeting last week, the chief was critical of drivers who are willing to take risks with their lives and those of others. In terms of the numbers of people detected driving while intoxicated, Chief Superintendent Colleran said: “It’s up to 38 for this three-month period, as opposed to 30 for the previous three months. “As much as we talk about driver behaviour, and messages getting through, it points to the fact there are still people out there that take risks, and they take risks with other people’s lives because of the offences they commit.” In respect of road traffic collisions, he said this …

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People of Clare to wave their Banner flags in solidarity with Ukraine

THE people of Clare are being urged to don their county colours in solidarity with the people of Ukraine this Wednesday. A march for Ukraine will be held at 6pm on March 2 at the Fair Green, Tim Smythe Park in Ennis. The event has been organised by concerned Irish and Polish people living locally who wanted to show their support for the people of Ukraine in the wake of Russia’s invasion. A spokesperson for the organisers told us that they are encouraging people to come along with their Clare county flags and colours as the saffron and blue is similar to the Ukraine yellow and blue flag. “This event has been organised as an opportunity for us as a community to share our solidarity and our grief with the people of Ukraine, and to call for further action to be taken to end what is happening. “People can bring a candle, and because the colours of the Ukrainian flag …

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HIQA monitors UHL but Clare TD seeks wider review

THE Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) is closely monitoring the overcrowding situation at UHL, a Clare TD has been assured. Following a request from Deputy Michael McNamara for an inquiry into the ongoing overcrowding at University Hospital Limerick, Health Minister Stephen Donnelly has written to him and said the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) are looking at the situation. In a letter to Mr McNamara the Minister said, “With regard to your suggestion of an inquiry, HIQA has advised that they are closely monitoring the overcrowding situation in a number of hospitals including at Limerick over the last number of weeks. “With respect to Limerick in particular – HIQA has also been in recent correspondence with the Hospital Group CEO to seek further information and assurances from them relating to their evaluation of the current factors influencing crowding in the emergency department. “The resultant evaluation which HIQA received is very comprehensive and strongly highlights the Hospital Group’s view …

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