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Bunratty Castle to reopen fully in April

BUNRATTY Castle & Folk Park will be open full time next month, Minister of State Hildegarde Naughton has told the Dáil. The Galway TD was responding to questions from Deputy Cathal Crowe about the fate of Shannon Heritage sites. “I understand that Bunratty Castle and King John’s Castle are currently open on a four-day-week basis until March 2022. “I am pleased to advise the Deputy that it is envisaged that those sites will reopen fully in April. “I am also happy to report that, as the public health restrictions put in place due to Covid were eased in the second half of 2021, visitor numbers to Shannon Heritage sites have increased. “With the removal of all the restrictions and the return of transatlantic flights into Shannon Airport this month, I am confident that visitor numbers to the sites will continue to grow.” Minister Naughton also relayed the fact that the OPW has agreed to re-engage on its maintenance responsibilities and …

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Survey offers steer on how to enhance Ennistymon

MAKING Ennistymon more pedestrian-friendly while also providing more parking for coaches and cars is one of the issues being tackled by a town enhancement strategy, writes Dan Danaher. Ennistymon Town Team and Helena McElmeel Architects are preparing an Enhancement Strategy for the town centre in partnership with Clare County Council and Clare Local Development Agency. Three out of every four people surveyed for the new strategy drive in and out of the town, according to the results of a survey released from public consultation conducted last year. One of the objectives of the Ennistymon Enhancement Strategy (EES) is to make the town more pedestrian friendly, with the proposed provision of a new pedestrian crossing on the old bridge and attractive walking routes such as a river side board walk. The North Clare town will benefit from major infrastructural developments over the coming years, with the development of a new €25 million post-primary school, and €16 million for the Inner Relief …

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Fears that housing construction work causing flooding

FLOODING concerns have been raised in Tulla by several residents close to the site of a new social housing development. Michael O’Callaghan is among a number of people who contacted The Champion on the issue. He farms 38 acres of land beside the Council’s site and said that since the end of last year, up to 20 acres have been subject to unprecedented flooding. That is despite the fact that rainfall levels have been low. He said that local knowledge suggests that culverts which normally drain the lands close the to the site have been blocked, possibly during excavation works on the Council’s site. “Water from the farm flows underground, beneath the social housing site,” he said. “It’s the view locally, based on our knowledge of the area, that culverts have been blocked. The natural flow of water from the land is not continuing in the way that it used to.” Mr O’Callaghan said the flooding situation worsened towards the …

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Final call to make building defects in Clare known for survey

The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD, has issued a final call to people in Clare to share experiences of housing defects for a nationwide survey. The call has been issued to homeowners, landlords, directors of Owners’ Management Companies and Property Management Agents throughout the county. The experiences must pertain to housing defects relating to fire safety, structural safety and water ingress in purpose-built apartment and duplex buildings constructed in Clare between 1991 and 2013. The deadline for completing the surveys is Monday, March 14 2022. These experiences are sought by the ‘Independent Working Group to Examine Defects in Housing’ which was established by Minister O’Brien in February 2021. Views are sought from people across Clare regardless of whether such defects in those properties in Clare are currently known, unknown or where no such defects have arisen. Encouraging as many people as possible to participate in the survey before the March 14 deadline, Minister O’Brien emphasised: …

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Man told to ‘sell a cow or go to jail’ hands over €5k in fifties

A CATTLE dealer served with a child maintenance arrears ultimatum by a judge of “sell a cow or go to jail” has handed €5,000 in €50 notes into court, writes Gordon Deegan At the Family Law Court, the cattle dealer told Judge Mary Larkin that a man he buys cattle for phoned him to help out on his child maintenance arrears debt. Judge Larkin had issued the ‘sell a cow or go to jail’ ultimatum on the cattle dealer last month. The cattle dealer said that the friend gave him a loan of €5,000 in the form of a cheque which he cashed and handed into court. The cattle dealer said: “He is a well-off person and he rang to help me out.” Judge Larkin said that after the €5,000 has been paid over, the cattle dealer owes a further €1,600 in maintenance arrears. After the man handed over the bundle of €50 notes, Judge Larkin told him: “It was …

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UHL closed to visitors over Covid and flu outbreaks

UNIVERSITY Hospital Limerick (UHL) will be closed to inpatient visiting for the next number of days due to multiple outbreaks of Covid-19 and influenza across the site. There are limited exceptions to the safety measure including parents visiting children in hospital; people assisting confused patients (e.g. dementia) (on a case-by-case basis); people visiting patients who are critically unwell or at end of life (on a case-by-case basis). All exemptions are limited to one person per patient only. Seven wards are currently affected, and on the recommendation of the UL Hospitals outbreak teams, the decision to close to visitors was taken as a precautionary measure. A spokesperson said that all appropriate infection control precautions were being followed to minimise the risk of spreading infection among staff and patients in the hospital, and also within the wider community. “The situation is being monitored and reviewed daily, and we will relax the restrictions as soon as it is safe to do so. We’re …

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Planning for Clare house on hold over failure to upgrade road

PLANS for the development of a one-off dwelling house near Feakle have been put on hold following an appeal by neighbouring residents, writes Dan Danaher. Patrick Treacy, c/o Paul Dolan RDF Architects and Planning Ltd Unit 19, Charleville Town Centre, Charleville was granted planning permission by Clare County Council for the construction of a new dwelling house. The house is to be single storey and part two storey, with ground floor garage attached to the dwelling, externally accessed green house, proposed wastewater treatment unit with polishing filter and percolation area, new site vehicular entrance and all associated site works at Lacorroe, Feakle. One of the conditions for last July’s planning approval stipulated no development shall commence on site unless and until the access road has been upgraded to the satisfaction of the council with details to be submitted and agreed. The appeal site, which has a stated area of 3.56 hectares, is located to the north west of Scariff and …

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Historic signs in Clare’s county town in need of TLC

IN a sign of things to come efforts are being made to upgrade a popular Ennis initiative which has been helping to bring history to life for more than a decade. The Ennis Historic Town Signage was introduced back in 2009 and has proven to be a welcome addition to the town for both tourists and local people alike. However, condensation issues, stickers and graffiti are affecting the posters encased within the signs and calls are now being made for an update, with QR codes for use with mobile phones among the suggestions being made. The condition of the signs was raised at a meeting of the Ennis Municipal District by Councillor Mary Howard. “These signs have been a great addition to the town since they were introduced back in 2009. However I believe they now need some refurbishment as most displays have condensation issues, this is affecting the integrity of the information posters within the frames.” She asked was …

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