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Lidl plans labelled a ‘threat to town centre’

PLANS by Lidl Ireland to develop a €20 million new store and mixed use development in Ennis “represents a significant threat to the vitality and viability of the town centre and should not be permitted,” according to the representative organisation for the independent retail grocery trade in Ireland. The Retail Grocery Dairy & Allied Trades Association RGDATA have lodged an objection to the development, which according to Lidl will create 30 local jobs along with 100 more during construction. Lidl unveiled plans last year for the new store and mixed-use development at the junction of the Clare Road (R458) and Toberteascain Road, which if given the go-ahead will include 20 residential apartments, a café and two commercial units. In its objection to the plans RGDATA state it supports new shops and new formats in town centres and retail zones. However, it goes on, “RGDATA is particularly concerned with the planning implications of such a large scale retail development at this ‘out-of-town’ …

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Chance of recession depends on length of Ukrainian conflict warns financial expert

INFLATION was a reality before the invasion of Ukraine, but the war is going to exacerbate it significantly, says Tommy Corbett of Ennis based Carey Corbett Financial Solutions. “We’ve had inflation for the last 12 months, mainly driven by supply chain side and the disruption of supply chains on goods coming from afar. There was also pent up demand. “People hadn’t spent money during Covid, and when it was finished they had a lot more money in their pockets and tended to spend a bit more. But from now on what’s happening in Ukraine is going to drive it even further. Things like wheat will come into play and the supply of gas and oil is going to dry up and that’ll drive things even further.” The rise in petrol and diesel prices is one of the starkest reminders, he feels. “It’s hitting home when you got to the pumps and see it’s €2 or even €2.14 or €2.15 a …

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‘I don’t want to die during the war’

Ukrainian teenager pleads with her mother prior to fleeing bloody conflict A Ukrainian refugee, who is now living in Ennis, has revealed her eldest daughter asked to be killed because she didn’t want to die during the bloody war. Maryna Biriukova-Stefaniuk is one of five Ukrainian adults and five children who are now residing with her friend Mariya Nikishanova in Park Avenue, Ennis. The 35 year-old mother was forced to flee Kyiv with her two daughters, Anna-Mariya (9) and Solomiia (13) due to safety concerns. In a heart-wrenching interview with The Clare Champion, Maryna said she wanted to stay close to her husband but her eldest daughter, Solomiia started crying and pleaded with her “please kill me because I don’t want to die”. “She was hysterical, she couldn’t stop crying and was hiding under a coat. It was very very scary. There were lots of tears. We decided we would leave. We had 30 minutes to pack all of our …

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