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Dublin Airport paying for ‘predatory practices’ says Dooley

DUBLIN Airport acted as a predator feasting on Shannon, but is now seeing the results of its own greed, Fianna Fáil’s Timmy Dooley has claimed in the Senate. Senator Dooley referenced a Tweet from the Dublin Airport Authority Twitter account effectively telling customers that if they are travelling at peak times they should expect delays of approximately three and a half hours. “An addendum advised that if people happened to be bringing a car, they should add another half an hour. For the premier airport in the State to find itself in that situation is appalling, and there is a reason for it finding itself there. “It has engaged in predatory practices in attracting airlines and passengers to dominate the entire sector. Airports such as Shannon have been left to wither on the vine,” he said. The East Clare based senator added, “There was massive growth in passenger traffic prior to 2019. Dublin got the bulk of it and Cork, …

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‘Horrific’ circumstances as Clare man in dock for friend’s death

A judge has described the circumstances in which a west Clare farmer lost his life in a farm accident as ‘horrific’. At Kilrush District Court, Judge Mary Larkin made her comment after hearing an outline of the State case concerning Damien Carmody’s death at Doonaha, Kilkee on January 22 2021. One of the two men being prosecuted concerning alleged Health and Safety breaches arising from the farm accident is farmer, John Roche of Doonaha Kilkee. Judge Larkin commented: “These are all horrific circumstances. This was a man who was his neighbour and his friend.” Mr Carmody had only got married to wife, Elaine 12 months prior to the fatal incident. In court on Tuesday, State Solicitor for Clare, Aisling Casey said that the case against Mr Roche’s co-accused, Christopher Keane of Bella, Kilkee, is to be heard in the circuit court and a Book of Evidence is to be prepared for service in June. After hearing an outline of the …

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Fears of devastation for East Clare if abstraction approved

FEARS have been expressed the proposed water abstraction of more than 330 million litres of water from Lough Derg to Dublin could result in devastating impact for tourism-related business in East Clare. Speaking at a recent council briefing by Irish Water officials, Councillor Tony O’Brien asked if the proposed water abstraction project is a “done deal” or is it still in abeyance. Describing the River Shannon as the greatest natural resource in East Clare, he warned if Irish Water’s projections and forecasts are wrong, then the impact will be devastating and could “close the place down”. Commenting on the drought situation in Lough Derg in 2018, he said harbours and inlets couldn’t be accessed for tourism purposes for boat hire. “I dread to think if water abstraction was in place that time what the consequences would be. I am hugely concerned and so are my constituents. “Nothing will convince me that abstracting water from the River Shannon south of Killaloe …

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Ennis councillors rail against barrier around monument

ENNIS councillors have voted overwhelmingly against a proposal to examine the potential of installing wrought iron railings around the O’Connell Monument. The idea was put forward by Councillor Johnny Flynn who pointed to the historic location being “used as a public toilet” along with “very disturbing” amounts of rubbish and passersby being “jeered and leered at” by people congregating in the area. The proposal was made at the monthly meeting of the Ennis Municipal District where his fellow councillors rejected the idea voting six against with Councillor Flynn’s the only vote in favour. Making the case for a public consultation process to begin Councillor Flynn stated that the area known locally as the Height had historically been surrounded with wrought iron railings. He said that re-installing suitable railings would complement and enhance improvement works for the Square and Bank Place and the conservation works currently underway on the monument. It would also complement proposals incorporated into the current Part 8 …

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Clare gardai advise vigilance when renting a home

CLARE gardai have warned the public to be vigilant of scams when seeking accommodation to rent. The issue was raised by Clare crime prevention officer Sergeant Triona Brooks who this week relayed the experience of one woman who was searching for accommodation on a rental site. The woman e-mailed who she believed to be the landlord of a property that she was interested in. She then transferred a substantial amount of money for renting this accommodation through a link that he sent to her. Since then the e-mail address is no longer in existence. “As students start to look for accommodation for the next college year or for summer trips don’t be tricked into paying a deposit for a property that does not exist or has already been rented, often to multiple people,” warned Sergeant Brooks. She provided a checklist of precautions anyone should undertake when seeking a rental property. • Do your homework – look at the average rent …

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McGettigan returned to Sinn Féin Ard Comhairle

SHANNON County Councillor Donna McGettigan has been returned unopposed to the Sinn Féín Ard Comahirle, following the party’s Munster AGM. She said the party hopes to decide next month on a strategy for Clare in the next general election. It is the third year in a row that Councillor McGettigan has been selected to represent party members in Munster on the party’s administrative body. There are around 30 people on the Ard Comhairle, with four elected from each province along with executive members. Speaking about the role of the Ard Comhairle, Councillor McGettigan said, “It’s mostly policy making and then the overseeing of the party as a whole. Our policies come through Ard Fheis, from the grassroots up.” Sinn Féin is the party performing best in opinion polls and she claimed it is more in tune with the times than its rivals. “We are on the rise and it’s time now for change. We are always hearing from people about …

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WATCH: Clare scientist in STEM mentoring programme

LIMERICK company BD is providing scholarships and bursaries to ten UL students, while it is also assigning professional mentors from the company to the learners. One of those mentors is Jennifer Hogan, from Sixmilebridge, who said that the support will be invaluable to the students. “I got this type of mentoring myself when I was in the early stages of my career, and I found it really useful. I’m really looking forward to giving back to the programme now as a mentor. It will be great to interact with the UL students and offer them some guidance on their careers.” BD is one of the country’s leading med-tech research facilities and its Limerick site director Padraig Fitzgerald said that there is a need to improve access to education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). “From government to industry and education, there is consensus that we have a challenge in terms of STEM skills. “A European Commission suggests that 24 …

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Clare tourism and hospitality businesses awarded for sustainability

NEARLY 60 tourism and hospitality businesses in North Clare have been honoured for their commitment to sustainability. Certificates of Achievement were given to 58 businesses for honouring their commitments under the Burren and Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark Code of Practice for Sustainable Tourism for 2020/2021. Developed with EU LIFE funding and launched by the Geopark in 2016, the Code is the only sustainable initiative of its kind in Ireland and in the network of 169 Geoparks spread across 44 countries. Congratulating the successful businesses during a ceremony at the Falls Hotel in Ennistymon Leas Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council, Cllr Joe Killeen, said: “The level of engagement by tourism operators across the Burren emphasises their commitment to implementing a range of social, environmental, and economic actions that benefit the environment, local communities, businesses and visitors.” “The number of businesses that have received accreditation is even more impressive when one considers the times we were in and the pressures faced by the tourism sector …

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