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Use Shannon to cut Dublin Airport pressure, says Crowe

OVER the last decade Dublin Airport has established an ever-more dominant position in Irish aviation, but at the moment it can’t deal with the crowds of passengers it has. With this in mind, Clare TD Cathal Crowe has called for Shannon Airport to be utilised to alleviate pressure on both inbound and outbound flights. Issues with security are at present leading to significant delays for those using Dublin Airport as a terminus for their travels. Deputy Crowe said acknowledged following a meeting with Dublin Airport Authority’s CEO Dalton Philips and his management that they were “doing everything possible” to recruit additional security staff. Delays in the Garda vetting process and also enhanced screening measures were proving a huge impediment in terms of having staff on the ground, he said. “I have suggested to the management that flights should be diverted to Shannon Airport, where there is plenty of additional capacity. “I believe that Shannon could play a significant role in …

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Clare Covid-19 initiatives recognised at Council awards

Clare County Council took home a gold medal at the annual Community and Council Awards held in Dublin recently. The local authority won first place in the National Impact Award category for its Covid Heroes Award & Card Writing Initiative. A silver award was won in the Best Waste Management category for its Clare Waste Awareness Week initiative. The Council also took bronze awards in the Best Connected Council category for its Waterways Ireland Virtual Open Day; best disability access and inclusion category for its ‘Age Friendly Clare Digital Nursing Home Initiative’; Clare Fire Service was awarded in the Emergency Response Person/Team of the Year category. Announcing the Clare Covid Heroes initiative at the time, then Cathaoirleach Mary Howard said the idea was to provide recognition for people who have helped others, with no expectation of any reward. “This initiative is about celebrating the ‘everyday heroes’ all around us who have been quietly helping and supporting others during the past …

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Clare parents threatened with jail over truant children

A judge has warned the parents of two ‘school shy’ children that she will send both to jail unless their children have a 100 per cent attendance record in school from now on. In one case, a 15-year-old girl has not attended school at all in the current school year while her 11-year-old brother has missed 80 out of 117 school days. At Kilrush District Court, Judge Mary Larkin was told that the girl’s mother informed a TUSLA Education Welfare Officer that her daughter wasn’t attending school because ‘she didn’t like it’ and suffers from ‘anxiety’. The TUSLA Education Welfare Officer said that the 11-year-old boy wasn’t attending school because of ‘headaches’ and that he was being bullied at school but she stated that there was no evidence to support the bullying claim. Judge Larkin said that the anxiety explanation for the 15-year-old girl “has been pulled out of the bag today at the very last minute in the heel …

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Water safety appeal ahead of busy Bank Holiday

In the lead up to the Easter bank holiday weekend, the Coast Guard, RNLI and Water Safety Ireland have issued a joint water safety appeal and are asking people to take some basic precautions to stay safe when they visit the coast or participate in water activities, be it coastal or inland. The organisations also extended a warm welcome to new residents and visitors to the island, many of whom may not be familiar with tides and Irish sea conditions and encourage them to seek local advice before engaging in any water or coastal activities. See also www.watersafety.ie/ukraine Water temperatures are still very cold at this time of year and Cold Water Shock can affect everyone. To avoid this, people should acclimatise to the water slowly to get used to the cold. The Coast Guard, RNLI and Water Safety Ireland advise everyone intending to take part in any water-based activity or coastal walks to make sure they check in advance …

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Clare councillor calls for ban on pro-Russian Z symbol

A BAN on the ‘Z’ symbol, as a sign of support for Russia’s war on Ukraine, has been sought by a member of Clare County Council. Clare Colleran Molloy has called on the Minister for Justice to criminalise the use of the symbol. She told the monthly local authority meeting that the ‘Z’ now “means Russian war crimes, bombed out cities, thousands of murdered Ukrainians”. The Fianna Fáil member spoke of her own horror and sadness at seeing the symbol appear in Clare. “Since the invasion by Russia of the independent sovereign state of Ukraine, I have been astonished to see the ‘Z’ symbol appear in my own backyard, appearing on fairy doors on the trees in Ballybeg woods, and on the Clareabbey bridge wall,” she said. “Thankfully, the Clareabbey bridge wall was cleaned up in advance of Minister Humphreys’ visit to open the Greenway on Thursday last.” The Quin native also hit out at recent pro-Russian demonstrations in Dublin …

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Minister wowed by Ennistymon’s spectacular natural amenity

THE new Ennistymon River Walk has been described as a “spectacular natural amenity” by Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys. During a visit to Clare last week, Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, visited projects that are supporting the ongoing development and revitalisation of Clare’s rural towns and villages, including an extended DigiClare hub and two community and tourist amenities. The projects in Ennistymon have received funding under the Rural Development Investment Programme, which includes a number of integrated funding interventions. Contributions came from the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund (RRDF), the Connected Hubs Fund and the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS). Minister Humphreys officially opened the Ennistymon River Walk for which Ennistymon District Community Organisation (EDCO) was granted funding of €69,000 under the ORIS in 2018 to carry out works to the existing river walk. The project, which cost around €94,000 overall, was delivered by EDCO with assistance from Clare County Council’s Rural Development …

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Rich tributes paid at funeral of talented young Clare hurler

A PROFOUND sense of grief spread across East Clare following the untimely death of Whitegate’s Michael ‘Mikey’ Hynes.  The 22-year-old was a past pupil of Scariff Community College and a fourth-year Business Studies student at the University of Limerick (UL). His funeral mass at St Flannan’s Church, Whitegate, last Sunday (April 10) afternoon attracted hundreds of mourners to pay their respects and to support Michael’s parents Declan and Annette; his sisters Katie, Alison and Corinna; and his grandmother Teresa Hynes. Councillor Pat Burke, a neighbour of the Hynes family, said the scenes witnessed in recent days were unprecedented. “The outpouring of grief and sympathy for Michael and his family is something we have never seen before,” he said. “I have never seen as many people line the streets of Whitegate for anything, ever. There were six or seven different guards of honour from the likes of the national school, to the senior hurlers, to classmates from UL. Despite the crowds, …

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Clare dividend from water abstraction plan questioned

CLARE County Councillors have expressed concern about the lack of a definite commitment to provide an economic dividend to the county if the controversial Lough Derg water abstraction proceeds. Irish Water is planning to proceed with its €1.3 billion project to pipe water from the Parteen Basin to Dublin using a 170 kilometre pipeline. Irish Water Resources Specialist, Angela Ryan said she would bring the request for a community dividend back to Irish Water to see if it can provide any more information on this proposal. She stated that any proposed economic dividend for Clare would be considered by Irish Water. While acknowledging the Shannon Scheme provided economic benefits for the country, Councillor Johnny Flynn said it posed major financial difficulties for Clare County Council, which wasn’t provided with any funding to deal with health issues for 5,200 workers. Councillor Flynn noted Clare County Council was so badly hit by increased costs it went into a dissolution in 1942. He …

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