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GALLERY: Ordination of new priest in Clare a ‘unique joy’

THE ordination of Croatian native Antun Pasalic into the priesthood at the weekend was described as a “unique joy” by Bishop Fintan Monahan. Antun’s parents, Marko and Anđa, and his family, travelled from Croatia to be present at his ordination on Sunday in Ennis’ Cathedral of St Peter and Paul. Following his ordination, Fr Antun celebrated his First Mass of Thanksgiving in the Cathedral on Monday evening. In his homily at the ordination Bishop Monahan recalled how in 2016 he did the pilgrim climb of Croagh Patrick in County Mayo and Antun was on the climb with him that day. “Little did I think then that we would share the Pilgrim Path as colleagues in the Diocese of Killaloe. It is a unique joy for me to ordain him today and it is an immense joy too for the priests, religious and people of the diocese. May we continue together on the pilgrim path of Antun’s divine call to priesthood …

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Vitalograph confirms breakdown of Clare-Limerick jobs

VITALOGRAPH has confirmed that of the 200 new jobs it will be creating in the Mid-West, 100 will be in Ennis, with the other 100 going to Limerick. The company, which has had a base in Ennis since 1974, is involved in the development and production of respiratory diagnostic devices, and is investing €10 million in the expansion over the next two years. Recruitment is already underway in areas such as data analysis, site support services, software engineering & QA and IT support. The company is opening new sites at Engine Innovate Building, Limerick, and one at the Clare Technology Park, on the Gort Road in Ennis, just across the road from the existing Vitalograph premises. It also says it will make a significant investment in the existing Ennis plant, as it brings the production of its consumables from Asia to Ireland, which it says will increase efficiency, improve the stability of its supply line and reduce its carbon footprint. …

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Clare aid worker raising funds for Ukrainian refugees

A SAFE haven for those fleeing the trauma of war is what one Whitegate woman is hoping to create, using her own experience of working with refugees. Didi Driscoll worked with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the early ‘80s and has seen first-hand the trauma that war brings. “I’m not political,” she told The Champion, “but I know that war is terrible and it’s terrible especially for women and children. In the refugee camps in Somalia, we were delivering food to almost one million people. “The truck drivers would come along, shouting in Swahili and Somalia, telling us and all of the refugees to run away, and to keep running from the conflict. People fleeing Ukraine have no choice but to flee.” Her work in those refugee camps, for which the UNHCR won a Nobel Peace Prize, has given Didi unique insights, as has her aid work in the Caribbean nation of Haiti. She is now hoping …

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Two fire crews battle county Clare gorse fire

Fire crews from two Clare stations are currently battling a significant bog, gorse and forestry fire near Kilmaley which had threatened local properties for a time. The alarm was raised at around 2.25pm when homeowners in the Kilcloher area called the fire service reporting the lands adjacent to their properties were on fire. Units of Clare County Fire and Rescue Service from Ennis station were mobilised to the incident and quickly began tackling the blaze which was burning was close at least three homes. Firefighters used beaters to try stamp out the fire which spread over a wide area. Additional fire crews were later mobilised from Ennistymon station while personnel from Clare Civil Defence were requested to provide support by deploying a drone to provide fire officers with an aerial view of the fire ground. Staff from Coillte the forestry agency are also at the scene while it’s also expected that a helicopter may be brought in to help tackle …

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Clare murder accused returned for trial

A CLARE man accused of murdering a man in Lisdoonvarna has been returned for trial to the central criminal court. At Ennis district court this Wednesday, a book of evidence was served on Thomas Lorigan (32). Lorigan, of no fixed abode, is charged with the murder of pensioner John O’Neill at St Brendan’s Road, Lisdoonvarna, on dates inclusive between January 6 and January 7. The charge against Lorigan is contrary to Common Law. Lorigan appeared in person at court, his previous appearances having been via video link from Limerick prison where he has been in custody on remand. Garda Stephen Murray gave evidence of serving a copy of the book of evidence. Sergeant Aiden Lonergan told the court that on receipt of directions from the director of public prosecutions (DPP), he was applying to have the case returned to the present sittings of the central criminal court. Solicitor Daragh Hassett asked that legal aid be assigned going forward to his …

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Treatment plant must prompt growth for West Clare village

ASPECTS of the forthcoming new development plan for Clare will be revisited now that wastewater facilities are to be upgraded in the village of Kilmihil. It follows a call from Councillor Cillian Murphy who told the April meeting of the local authority that the zoning map, and population and housing allocation, for the village must now be revised. “Kilmihil is a progressive place and I would describe the People’s Park there as world class,” he said. “The area has suffered from stymied growth due to the lack of wastewater services, but now that is to change and that should be acknowledged in the plan.” The motion was seconded by Councillor Ian Lynch, who agreed that the Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029 must be looked at once again for the Kilmihil area.  “This needs a lot more work and debate,” added Councillor Gerry Flynn. The Independent member paid tribute to Director of Services Liam Conneally and his team for their …

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Special tiles let bats rule the roost at Clare court

SPECIALIST ‘Bat Tiles’ have been put in place in the roof of Kilrush Courthouse to allow Natterer bats to continue to live in their Maternity Bat roost there. The spend on the ‘Bat Tiles’ is part of an estimated €198,000 remedial works to the building that is now once more staging courts after a gap of eight months. Welcoming the return of court sittings to Kilrush, a spokesman for the Courts Service said last week, “The protection of this roost will ensure that the Natterer Bats and their pups can continue to reside there.” At the first sitting of the court since last July, Judge Mary Larkin told the court, “I hope the bats are happy upstairs and they are adequately provided as we are here”. Judge Larkin said that she was “delighted” that court sittings have resumed in Kilrush. Judge Larkin said, “Justice needs to operate locally and be seen to operate locally.” She added, “It is terribly important …

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Shannon Chamber assured by minister on work permit issue

IN light of the current labour market crisis, Shannon Chamber has sought answers on delays in securing work permits for non-EEA nationals. A request was made by members of Shannon Chamber’s HR Forum to meet with Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail, Damien English TD, to discuss labour market matters. Minister English was able to assure them that delays being experienced in the processing of employment permits for non-EEA nationals were being reduced. The meeting arranged through Deputy Joe Carey, which was held virtually, enabled Shannon Chamber CEO Helen Downes and members of the HR Forum to discuss these issues in person with Minister English and officials from the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. The minister acknowledged that the delays to employment permit processing times are not acceptable. He said, “We experienced a significant increase in applications for employment permits in the past year, impacting on processing times. “From the start of January to the end of …

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