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Two buses broken into and cash taken in west Clare town

Gardai are appealing for witnesses or information after money was taken from two buses that were broken into in Kilrush. Some time between 8pm on May 6 and 6am on May 7, two buses that were parked on Frances Street, Kilrush were broken into. Entry was gained to one of the buses through an unsecure passenger door and entry was gained to the second bus by smashing the glass in the passenger door and the cash floats were stolen from both vehicles. If anyone was in the area at the time and saw anything suspicious they are asked to contact Kilrush Garda Station on 9080550.

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Kilfenora bishop makes Church history

MAY 1 saw the historic installation of Bishop Michael Duignan at Galway Cathedral, formalising his status as Bishop of Galway and Kilmacduagh and the Apostolic Administrator of Kilfenora. Bishop Duignan will to minister as Bishop of Clonfert.  The Roscommon native is the first Irish church leader to administer two Catholic dioceses. His dual-role, which was announced in February, was ratified on Sunday May 1. The ceremony was attended by Papal Nuncio Archbishop Jude Thaddeus Okolo Martin and Cardinal Seán Brady. In another first, the ceremony was live streamed on YouTube. On the eve of the installation, a Vigil of Prayer in thanksgiving for the ministry of Bishop Brendan Kelly, who now retires, was held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Oranmore. Because Bishop Michael Duignan was already a bishop, he was installed rather than ordained and he was principal celebrant, along with the Papal Nuncio, and homilist at Sunday’s ceremony.  Representatives of each of the parishes in the …

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Fears anti-social behaviour could see Ennis getting ‘bad name’

CONCERN that recent incidences of anti-social behaviour in Ennis, including a house being targeted with a petrol bomb, could lead to the county capital receiving a bad reputation nationally have been expressed. At this monthly meeting of Ennis Municipal District Councillor Pat Daly urged the public to contact the Garda Confidential line if they see anything suspicious in a bid to stamp out anti-social behaviour. Councillor Pat Daly insisted “it is important that this type of behaviour is eliminated”. The councillor commented that Ennis has been getting a “bad name” in recent times due to anti-social behaviour including the petrol bombing and incidences where drugs offences are committed. “The drugs situation is very serious,” he said. He outlined that from speaking with gardaí he has been told that those who witness illegal activity are often afraid to report it. “The only way to alleviate this is to ring the garda confidential line,” he said. The meeting was told that the …

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Allegation that ash plant was used in assault by pensioner

A 71-year old west Clare man has pleaded guilty to the assault causing harm of a brother-in-law in a dispute concerning an animal. At Ennis Circuit Court this Monday, Flan McNamara pleaded guilty to the assault causing harm of Tom Casey on June 3 2020 contrary to Section 3 of the Non Fatal Offences Against the Person Act at Carrowreagh West, Cranny, Kilrush. Mr McNamara of Carrowreagh West, Cranny, Kilrush also faced a separate charge of producing an ash-plant capable on inflicting serious injury during the course of a dispute at Carrowreagh West, Cranny, Kilrush on the same date contrary to Section 11 of the Firearms and Offensive Weapons Act. Counsel for the State, Lorcan Connolly BL told the court that the plea to the assault causing harm charge is acceptable and that a nolle prosequi would be entered concerning the second charge as the State was not proceeding with the charge. Mr Connolly stated that the sentencing hearing will …

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Search ongoing off Clare coast for missing diver

The Garda Water Unit has joined the search for a man believed missing at a popular beauty spot in County Clare. The alarm was raised on Sunday evening when Gardaí were notified that a car had been located at the Bridges of Ross on the Loop Head peninsula and may have been there for several days. Gardaí visited the scene and after taking the details of the car, commenced efforts to identify and locate its owner. Gardaí established from speaking to locals that the car may have been parked in the area for almost a week. Gardaí also learned that the man, an experienced cave diver, had gone to the area possibly to explore a local cave. It’s understood the man is Eastern European but has been living in Ireland for some time. The Kilkee unit of the Irish Coast Guard and Gardaí carried out a search of the area where the man’s car was found late last night. The …

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Shortage of workers across all sectors in Clare

POST Covid-19 restrictions there is a significant shortage of labour across the economy, according to Joe Robbins of CareerWise Recruitment, which operates from Shannon, as well as having bases in Cork, Dublin, Galway and Mayo. While many jobs in the western world went to China over the last 30 years, he says that trend is now being reversed, which is leading to more jobs here, but they aren’t necessarily easy to fill. “It’s called in-sourcing, they’re trying to bring stuff away from China and to become less reliant on China. Obviously it’s leading to inflation, but more importantly in the long run it’s going to mean a lot more opportunities for the likes of Ireland to supply the big multinational companies. In fairness during Covid we kept everything going as a country, which was great. “A lot of the American corporates were very impressed that the Irish subsidaries kept everything going. That’s one big factor that’s going to lead to …

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Colourful new artistic addition to Ennis school

RAIN gives us rainbows is the positive message of a brand new colourful addition to St Anne’s School in Ennis. The school recently unveiled a new mural created by its Oak, Rowan and Willow classes along with local artist Rachel Macmanus. The project was facilitated by the Clare Artists in School Scheme 2021/2022. Principal of St Anne’s Rose-Marie Flanagan explains that before designing the mural Rachel visited them and spent time with the three classes to discuss ideas. “We discussed together what should be included in the design and why. The pupils chose to highlight the nature they see in and around their school, such as birds and animals, and we also discussed the weather we get here in Ennis, a lot of rain! But rain gives us rainbows, which became a central theme for the mural.  “We also focused on the geography of St Anne’s School, which is situated in the centre of Ennis town, and the activities and sports which happen in the school. As we …

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Changed attitudes to work leading to labour shortage – hotelier

ATTITUDES to work have changed quite dramatically since before the pandemic, and it’s one of the reasons Clare tourism is going to see a huge labour shortage this summer, Lahinch hotelier Michael Vaughan says. Mr Vaughan said that conversations he has had with people in other sectors suggest the shortage is quite widespread across the economy, and he feels that younger people don’t attach as much importance to work as they would have done even a few years ago. “The only explanation I can give is that there has been a reset in the mindset of a certain cohort. Certainly younger people aged from 20 to 30 seem to have reset their opinion of what the balance of work and life is. “That allied to the surplus of money that a lot of that age group might have from the pandemic payments, this year they’re not inclined to take up seasonal work or work that’d be full time. “There seems …

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