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‘A lot of people have left Kilkee and they don’t come back’

SHORT term rentals has been a major factor in making housing unaffordable, not just in cities, but in places like Kilkee as well. Eddie Lenihan now lives in Adare, having had to leave Kilkee due to the near impossibility of finding a place to rent there year-round. Although a native of Limerick, he was spending much of his time in Kilkee from his earliest days. “My parents had a house down there from when I was born and I’m 42 now. I used go every Easter, Christmas, all summer. I played football there from under 14, we won a few underage titles, Kilkee is my community, it’s where I grew up, where my best friends are from. I’ve a deep connection with it.” A civil engineer, he left Ireland during the recession, but just after Eddie and his wife became parents, they moved back to West Clare, with plans to settle there that ultimately did not work out. “We were …

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Councillor says we should be telling Dublin Airport ‘I told ye so’

DUBLIN Airport officials have been told they should be careful what they wish for, after unprecedented overcrowding at the facility in recent weeks. At the May Council meeting, a joint motion from Councillors Daly, Crowe, Begley, McMahon, Killeen, O’Gorman and Keating, called on the Department of Transport to divert spare capacity to Shannon Airport. “Dublin has clearly been unable to cater for what it has while Shannon needs more passengers,” the motion outlined.  Councillor Pat Daly outlined that he had recently met a woman from County Offaly at Shannon Airport. “She thought it was brilliant,” he said. “That shows we should be marketing to the Midlands. It’s only and hour and half from Ennis.” Councillor John Crowe said, “We should be saying ‘I told ye so’. Dublin wanted it all for the last 20 years. They got it all and they can’t deal with it.  For a short-haul flight, you have to be there between two and three hours ahead; …

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Ennis Tesla driver returns from second Ukraine mission

AN Ennis man has returned from a second humanitarian mission helping Ukrainians – and their beloved four legged friends – flee the war with Russia. John Casey, founder of the Tesla Owners Group in Ireland, was among a convoy of drivers who recently brought 40 Ukrainian refugees along with 10 dogs, 11 cats and a guinea pig, from Poland back to Ireland. “We were a right little Noah’s Ark,” he tells us. He explains that the pets have helped to bring a sense of comfort to the refugees, reminding them of a life before the invasion. Travelling with the convoy of cars over land and by ferry meant they could bring their much loved animals with them to safety. “These people are great pet lovers and they are very reluctant to leave their pets behind. We brought back some beautiful dogs and cats. They do love their animals and it’s good that they were able to bring them as they …

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Hotel applies for retention and expansion permission

TWO planning applications have been lodged for developments at Bunratty Castle Hotel. One of the applications is for the retention of works to rationalise, upgrade and repair (principally required due to fire damage) part of the existing hotel. The works subject to retention permission include the removal of walls and external structures, as well as the construction of a single storey extension. It also seeks permission for the provision of a new frontage to the bar/bistro, and an increase in parking spaces. The second application seeks permission for a single storey extension to the front of an existing function room, to be used as a pre-function room, the provision of an external terrace to the south and east of the pre-function room and the provision of an extension to the raised terrace to the front of the bar/bistro. A planning statement accompanying one of the planning applications states, “A fire occurred in Bunratty Castle Hotel in June 2021 and works …

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Sacked Doolin volunteers willing to return so unit can function

TEN FORMER Doolin Coast Guard volunteers are willing to return as a group to facilitate a proper working of the unit, it emerged this week. Addressing a meeting of the Transport and Communications committee, Bernard Lucas recalled six volunteers resigned over alleged difficulties with management. “We were all sacked. They put an interim team in place. Four of the six people went back, two didn’t. They took back two members that had resigned two or three years previously. They asked two more to come back that made up eight people. They asked some from a group of ten to come back and they said no. “Four of the eight were qualified and two were retired so some of their certificates would be out. They left out a group of ten that could have continued the unit on all disciplines – boat, searching and climbing – who were fully certified. “With the eight, there isn’t enough qualified people to do climbing, …

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‘Scare from Clare’ set for mid-summer unveiling in Carron

A STATUE jokingly referered to as ‘The Scare from Clare’ has been cast in bronze, with plans to unveil it on Midsummer’s Night in North Clare. The Púca garnered international headlines after a ferocious rejection by the town of Ennistymon. In recent days, The Michael Cusack Centre won the competitive process to host the horse-headed folklore figure.  Sculptor Aidan Harte confirmed the piece is on course to take up residence in Carron soon. “The bronze is fully cast,” he said. “We assembled it this week in the foundry. He’s a healthy baby boy, weighing half a ton. Next we’ll be chasing metal and applying a patina and wax polish. The stone plinth is getting knocked into shape as the site is prepared this month. If there are no surprises – what’s the bets? – I’m aiming for a June 24 unveiling. That’s Midsummer’s night, a time for mischief, magic and making merry.” Commenting on the divisive row that ended plans to …

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