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Record Young Scientist qualification rate for Clare school

A NORTH Clare secondary school has achieved a huge 81% qualification rate ahead of the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition (BTYSE) 2023.  Mary Immaculate Secondary School in Lisdoonvarna entered a total of 11 projects into next year’s prestigious competition and nine of them have qualified. The average qualification rate is around one-third, putting Mary Immaculate students and teachers in a league of their own. “We’ve been told that there were 1,700 entries this year,” said retired Science Teacher, John Sims, who has stayed on board to support BTYSE projects and the school’s proud history with the competition. “We’ve also seen that 550 of those entries have qualified. That represents a qualification rate, on average, of just over 30%, so we’re well in excess of that. It’s to the huge credit of the students and teachers at Mary Immaculate, as well as the parents and the entire school team.” Four individual projects from Mary Immaculate have qualified, as well as …

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Developers offer assurances over Clare village homes plan

DEVELOPERS behind plans for a major new housing estate in Tuamgraney have moved to allay concerns raised by the Council and the local community.  Michael Pearl, who submitted plans in April for 52 homes on a site on the Dock Road, has provided the local authority with a 210-page document in response to a Further Information (FI) request. The response, which includes detailed environmental and ecological reports, is now on public display, with a further submissions period open until November 29.  After plans for six four-bedroom detached houses; 22 three-bedroom, semi-detached houses; 14 two-bedroom semi-detached houses; and ten two-bedroom semi-detached bungalows were submitted in spring, six objections were made. On consideration of these submissions, as well as details of the application, planners asked, in June, for FI on several aspects of the development.  Planners raised concerns over the width and general condition of the L41341 which serves the site, as well as the existing footpath network and sight-lines at the …

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Heritage concerns over Quin telecoms mast plan

A CHALLENGE to a bid to erect a 30 metre telecoms mast in Quin has come from a local heritage watchdog, who have lodged a strong objection to the development, on the grounds of its archaeological and visual impact.  Quin Heritage Group have made a submission on plans by Vantage Towers to develop the lattice tower mast at Quingardens, a location believed to contain a number of important archaeological sites. The group have told the Planning Authority that they are “acutely aware” of archaeological remains in the area. A map, included with the objection, highlights a number of of significant sites, which, according to Quin Heritage Group, represent “evidence of ringforts and fulacht fiadh”. “It is also important to point out a cilín (Children’s grave site) exists close to the proposed mast site that in no way should be compromised,” the objection stated. “We therefore deem it an unsuitable site to erect such a mast.” The objection, which is one …

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Calls for survey of condition of local authority housing estates in Ennis

A SURVEY should be carried out to ensure the condition of housing estates in the charge of the local authority is “kept up to a certain level” with an annual maintenance programme put in place, an Ennis councillor has suggested. Councillor Ann Norton was speaking at a recent meeting of the Ennis Municipal District councillors where the “appalling condition” of footpaths and the road surface in a residential area of Ennis was highlighted. An assessment of the Maiville estate in Ennis was sought by Councillor Mary Howard who stated, “The footpaths and road surface in Maiville is in an appalling condition, man-hole covers are a number of inches above the road surface and are a health and safety risk.” She stated that the man-hole covers are “very dangerous” and she urged the council to take action “as a matter of urgency”. Ian Chaplin, acting senior executive engineer confirmed that the estate is in the charge of the local authority and …

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Major benefits to flow for Clare from new river crossing

MAJOR benefits will flow from the completion of the new River Shannon Crossing and associated infrastructure, according to Clare County Council Chief Executive, Pat Dowling. Mr Dowling admitted the inadequacy of the existing route has been a source of frustration and debate over many years. “Today is a landmark event, signalling the exciting new future that such infrastructure will bring about. This project also brings economic, social and community benefits. With the two councils developing the new Killaloe-Ballina Town Enhancement and Mobility Plan (KBTEMP), he said this sets out ambitious plans inspired by the common goal of “two towns, one community”. He predicted the new infrastructure would enhance the area as a location for residents, businesses and tourists facilitating local, regional and national development for future years. Some of the benefits include safer roads and less town congestion, an alternative route to take through traffic and heavy goods vehicles out of both town centres, facilitate public realm projects in the …

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Clare County Council opens book of condolence for Vicky Phelan

Clare County Council has opened a Book of Condolence in memory of the late cervical cancer campaigner, Vicky Phelan. The Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council, Councillor Tony O’Brien, is inviting members of the public to sign the book and join people from all over Ireland and beyond in honouring Vicky’s legacy as “a remarkable person and a courageous and inspiring advocate for women’s health”. Councillor O’Brien said: “I am deeply saddened to hear of the death of Vicky Phelan. Vicky’s campaigning to expose the controversy around the national screening programme CervicalCheck gave voice to many women and reflected her immense courage, determination and dignity while facing her own illness. “In doing so, Vicky inspired us all. Vicky Phelan truly made an enduring contribution to Irish society. On behalf of the Elected Members and staff of Clare County Council, I wish to extend deepest condolences to Vicky’s family at this most difficult time.” Chief Executive of Clare County Council Pat Dowling …

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Witness appeal after drunken vandal assaulted two gardai

AN appeal has been issued for witnesses to an incident that occurred in Ennis in which two gardai were assaulted. At approximately 1am on Thursday, October 27, Ennis Gardaí responded to a call of a male engaging in threatening and drunken behavior in the Woodquay area of the town. It’s believed the man was kicking taxis and may have engaged in damaging other such property. On arrival at the scene Gardaí met with this male who then attacked the two Gardaí. Both Gardaí were injured as a result of the assault. An investigation is ongoing into the assault on both Gardaí and the criminal damage incidents and we are appealing to anyone who witnessed these incidents or anyone who may have dash cam or camera footage to contact Ennis Garda Station on 065 6848100.

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There will be only one ED in Mid-West – ULHG chief clinician

THE Chief Clinical Director of the UL Hospitals’ Group has poured cold water on the proposed return of 24-hour emergency cover to Ennis Hospital and other Model Two acute facilities, despite a petition from a local lobby group that is supported by 15,000 signatures. The Mid-West Hospital Campaign has sent a petition calling for the restoration of round the clock casualty cover in Ennis, Nenagh and St John’s Hospitals to the Dáil’s Petitions’ Committee after this was controversially removed for safety reasons in April 2009. In an extensive interview with the Clare Champion, Professor Brian Lenehan doesn’t support any move to have another ED in the Mid-West, despite the fact the group is the only one along the western seaboard that doesn’t have a Model Three Hospital. “I fundamentally believe as part of the additional bed stock we need a scheduled care hospital. “That could be a new development or the development of one of our existing hospitals, but I …

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