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McNamara Wins Euro Seat In Ireland South

Michael McNamara, (Ind) is lifted on shoulders on his election at the Clare General Election 2020 count in The Falls Hotel, Ennistymon. He has now won a seat in the European Parliament. Photograph by John Kelly.

    Clare Independent Deputy Michael McNamara has made history by becoming the first local MEP in 35 years with an impressive electoral success in Ireland South. The East Clare deputy won the third-highest number of votes after five gruelling days of counting. Going into the final count Deputy McNamara had 87,542 votes ahead of Kathleen Funchion on 82,508, Cynthia Ní Mhurchú on 75,900, Mick Wallace on 73,947 and Grace O’Sullivan, Green Party, 69,197. Following the 20th count, Deputy McNamara 92,871, Ní Mhurchú 92,502 and Funchion 90,070 were elected without reaching the quota. Following the redistribution of Grace O’Sullivan’s votes, Ní Mhurchú confirmed her lead over Wallace, who lost his seat in the European Parliament. Outgoing MEP Sean Kelly (FG) topped the poll in the first count while another MEP Billy Kelleher, (FF) had to wait until the 18th count to be the second candidate to pass the quota. Former IFA President Paddy Lane, Parteen, was elected to the European …

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Has Clare soccer been left out in the cold?

CLARE County Council has denied it has declined to help the Clare & District Soccer League (CDSL) after complaints about the level of funding it has received. In an extensive statement, CDSL said that it has been overlooked in both 2023 and 2024. “Last year in the Community Recognition Grants Clare Soccer received 0.47% of the fund. This is less than 1% of the money provided by the Department of Rural and Community Development for communities in Clare to help and assist the Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection and/or International Protection Applicants and Ukrainians.” It said that all of Clare soccer got around 10% of the amount allocated to a street lighting project at Ballyalla, €132,500 compared to €13,000 for the sport. CDSL also claimed that it had applied for over €350,000 but its projects were not put on a shortlist compiled by councillors to be submitted to the Department of Rural and Community Affairs. The CDSL also claimed that it …

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Should I use a financial broker?

Financial brokers serve as a bridge between customers and financial institutions, offering a personalized approach to managing finances. Utilizing a financial broker can be akin to having a seasoned captain for navigating the complex seas of personal finance. They offer tailored advice, helping you chart a course towards your financial goals They provide access to a wider range of products than a single institution, often securing more competitive rates and terms. What are the benefits of using a broker? Expertise and Variety. Brokers can offer expert advice tailored to individual financial situations, which can lead to better investment decisions and savings. Cost-Effectiveness. While brokers may charge fees, they might be able to secure deals that outweigh these costs, potentially leading to overall savings. Reputable brokers will be upfront about their fees and how they’re compensated, whether it’s through commissions, flat fees, or a percentage of the assets they manage. Convenience. Utilizing a broker can save time and reduce stress, as …

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Roderic O’Gorman defends transfer of Ukrainians from Shannon to Lisdoonvarna

MINISTER Roderic O’Gorman has today claimed that Ukrainian refugees are being moved from Phoenix House in Shannon due to concerns about the suitability of the building. The 75 residents have received just two weeks notice that they will have to leave the building they have called home for some time, as they are to be transferred to Lisdoonvarna. Several of residents this week told the Clare Champion that the move will see them have to quit jobs they have taken up locally, while there are concerns about the impact of the sudden move on children already traumatised as a result of the Russian violence inflicted on their home towns. In a message to Clare TD Cathal Crowe on Wednesday, Minister O’Gorman said, “The contract for this property was terminated due to concerns raised following a site visit by the Ukraine Compliance team, along with QTS, an independent inspection company hired by the Department, and the Department of Social Protection. The …

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The Clare motorcyclist and his round the world odyssey

This Sunday, Clare adventurer Declan McEvoy will give a first-hand account of his mammoth, round the world adventure is a once-off talk to raise money for Cancer Care West. This is a rare opportunity to hear about the fascinating adventures undertaken by Declan as he recounts the journey which took him and his 20-year-old motorcycle called Agnieszka around the world. His journey crossed five continents, 59 countries and more than 92,500 kilometres, including passing through two exact opposite poles of our planet. Hear this fascinating story first hand as Declan talks about finding The Door to Hell in the Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan, riding through heavy arctic snows in North America, running out of fuel in the Atacama Desert, being marooned between countries in what is known as no-mans-land, not to mention being taken at gunpoint by rogue Militias in Nigeria. Agnieszka will be there too. This event is in aid of Cancer Care West and takes place on Sunday, …

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A Fine Gael candidate for Shannon Local Electoral Area who was eliminated on the ninth count has said the community in south-east Clare has been forgotten about by Clare County Council. First time candidate, Val Gillane said he feels south-east Clare is being forgotten about at local level: “I would love to see Clare County Council now wake up and come down and have a look at south-east Clare. South East Clare voted to stay in Clare. Please come down to us and now show us. We are completely forgotten about like we are between two boundaries. We are 2km from Limerick County Council and we are 40km from Clare County Council. We don’t have the representation. We don’t have the funding. We don’t have the back-up. We don’t have any of the basics…I am talking about communities and infrastructure. West of the Shannon Banks was built in 1966 like 1966 footpaths and 1966 lighting…” “I would love to see …

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Kilrush poll topper Dinny Gould surprised at his success

Cree native, Dinny Gould (IND) who was the first councillor to be elected in the Kilrush Local Electoral Area said he did not expect he would top the poll. Dinny Gould took 1863 votes in the seventh count after he picked up 143 transfers from Fine Gael’s Therese Doohan thus reaching the quota required of 1817 votes. Speaking to The Clare Champion following his victory at the count centre in Ennis, Mr Gould said he didn’t ever think he would come in first and even thought he might have been fighting for the last seat. “I am grateful to all the people who stood by me, and all the people who canvassed. I got a great vote, and you know everyone stood behind me – my own parish especially. He said the secret to his success was he is fairly well known throughout the region and wider county on account of his bookmaking business. He also attributed his achievement to …

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Groundbreaking Clare tome to be released as an audiobook

A groundbreaking Clare book is to be released as an audiobook following a donation of funding by a local county councillor. The boom, ‘We Are Human Too’ was co-produced by Clare-based Disabled People’s Organisation, Clare Leader Forum, and co-written and edited by well-known Activist Ann Marie Flanagan. The book was written as a historical record and to spotlight the voices, experiences, and rights of disabled people, advocating for substantial State reforms. Funding to turn the book into an audiobook was announced by North Clare Green Party councillor, Liam Grant. The decision to fund the audiobook came about at an event celebrating the book in Corofin where Ann Marie and Dermot Hayes are from and where the movement was founded over 30 years ago. “This publication is a testament to our community’s spirit and commitment to equality,” said Grant. “By funding the audiobook, we are removing barriers and ensuring that the powerful message of inclusion and equality is accessible to all. …

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