Home » Breaking News » €1m east Clare facilities could be ready by summer of 2023
Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media Catherine Martin.

€1m east Clare facilities could be ready by summer of 2023

Planning application by end of Decemnber for €1m investment in Ogonnelloe watersports facility

A MAJOR upgrading of outdoor facilities on the outskirts of Ogonnelloe costing in the region of €1 milllion should be in place by the summer of 2023, it emerged this week.

Ballycuggeran Watersports Activity Facility near Ogonnelloe and Waterworld in Kilkee are two of the 22 nationwide locations that will benefit from a total investment totalling €19 million, which has been approved by Sports Minister Catherine Martin.

A planning application for the development of new facilities at Two-Mile-Gate, Kilkee and Dromineer will be made to An Bord Pleanála before the end of the year.

It is believed that people will be able to make a submission on the development to the appeals board.

Subject to approval in the first quarter of 2022, it is hoped the new facilities will be operational for the summer in 2023.

While most of the funding will be provided by Fáilte Ireland, Clare County Council will have to provide subsidiary finance for the groundworks.

All the materials used such as solar panels will be environmentally friendly.

The council in consultation with Fáilte Ireland is compiling an information document that will be accessible to people on its website.

The new proposed development includes new toilets, outdoor and indoor showers, changing facilities, services for people with disabilities, and a new state-of-the-art wastewater treatment facility. It includes secure storage for equipment, wash down and orientation points.

Facilities will be wheelchair accessible and built using sustainable materials and best practice for green energy.

Plans will be based on a similar facility in Keel, Mayo, which Councillor Tony O’Brien has been informed has been very successful with very few complaints. It is expected the existing toilet block will be retained.

East Clare Councillors were briefed on some of the details for the new Ballycuggeran amenity recently by Clare Tourism Officer, Deirdre O’Shea, Morgan Lahiffe and John Moylan from the Roads’ Design Office.

Clare County Council is delighted with the announcement of this significant investment by Fáilte Ireland in these outdoor watersports activity centres.

Not only will it support the local economy, it will also enhance the overall visitor experience providing new business opportunities in local communities and allowing for the extension of the tourism season beyond the traditional summer months.’

Councillor Tony O’Brien is very encouraged by the approach Fáilte Ireland and Clare County Council are taking to complete this development.

Councillor O’Brien said the provision of hot showers, changing and toilets facilities will totally transform Ballycuggeran into a major visitor attraction.

Acknowledging parking has been an issue at Two Mile Gate during very fine weather, the FF Councillor acknowledged this will have to be addressed by the council in the future.

He pointed out parking is adequate for about 90% of the year, but there are peak periods when it becomes an issue.

“Ballycuggeran is the jewel in the crown in East Clare. It ties in with Clare County Council’s development of Iniscealtra as a major tourism destination.”

“If you add in the new Shannon River Crossing and Killaloe Bypass, we have a bright future to look forward to in East Clare.

“I think this will be a huge development. It is a further commitment from the government to develop tourism and sustainability.

“It will generate jobs and will open up East Clare. I have always said the greatest natural resource we have is the River Shannon with all the walkways and amenities in our towns.

“This will be a huge attraction not just in the summer but 52 weeks of the year when people see the new facilities in place in Ballycuggeran.

“I see some hardy souls and I am not one of them swimming on New Year’s Day, Christmas Day in November and January. Outdoor activity is increasing with an associated benefit from our hotels, pubs, restaurants and bed and breakfasts.”

Councillor Pat Hayes said it is very welcome news that Ballycuggeran will be significantly upgraded in view of the dramatic increase in its usage over the last 12 months.

“These new facilities will help support the East Clare tourism product. There are parking issues at peak times, but this is also an issue in Lahinch and Doolin at certain times of the year.

“It is great to see Ballycuggeran being used so much. The key is to use Lough Derg to attract people into the area.

by Dan Danaher

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