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Dan Danaher

HSE admits difficulties recruiting GPs in Mid-West

RECRUITING general practitioners in the Mid-West has become more challenging due to the national shortage of family doctors, the Mid-West HSE has warned. In a statement issued to the Clare Champion, Mid-West Community Healthcare acknowledged it is facing a recruitment and retention challenge in this speciality. There are currently 216 General Medical Services GMS GPs in the Mid-West. Over the next seven years, 24 GPs (11%) will reach the age of 72, whilst 64 GPs (30%) will reach the age of 65. The growing population, ageing demographics and the extension of GP visit card eligibility on an incremental basis is also placing an increased demand on GPs. There is evidence of a significant undersupply of GPs in Ireland at present, and these issues are likely to persist. By 2025, the predicted shortage of GPs in Ireland will range from 493 to 1,380. More than a third of doctors working as GPs are not on the Medical Council’s Specialist Register of …

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Ex-Doolin volunteers left hanging over offer to return

TEN FORMER Doolin Coast Guard volunteers, with at least 155 years of experience between them, still haven’t received a meaningful response almost six weeks after offering to return as a group to facilitate a proper working of the unit. On May 3, the ten members sent an expression of interest to return to the unit as a group in response to correspondence issued by the national Coast Guard on April 14 last. “As a collective group with many years of experience and relevant IRCG qualifications we feel that this interview process is unnecessary. “Since the “standing down” of the unit, we are and have been available to return to active duties of Doolin Coast Guard as a group. “With immediate effect we can facilitate the return of the Doolin Coast Guard Unit to full operational capacity in all competencies,” they stated. Apart from an email requesting clarification whether the members wanted to participate in the recruitment process on an individual …

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Lack of inquest into Clare woman’s 2016 death is ‘shocking’

THE failure to conduct an inquest into the tragic death of a Doolin volunteer at sea is a breach of her constitutional rights, an international maritime lawyer has claimed. Mother-of-two Caitriona Lucas (41), an advanced coxswain with Doolin Coast Guard died off Kilkee on September 12, 2016. Ms Lucas was helping the neighbouring Coast Guard unit from Kilkee in the search for a missing man, but she died after its rigid inflatable boat (RIB) capsized in a shallow surf zone. Two other crew members on board the RIB, who were also thrown into the sea, survived. Michael Kingston has questioned why an inquest has yet to be held into the death of Caitriona Lucas, the first Irish Coast Guard volunteer to lose their life during active service. “It is shocking and totally unacceptable that almost six years after Ms Lucas’s death, no inquest has as yet been heard. “This is a breach of Caitriona Lucas’ human rights and the rights …

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Nominations close tomorrow for Killaloe Community Council

PEOPLE in Killaloe have been urged to cast their votes to elect up to nine new community councillors for the town. Candidates for election are invited to contact the chairperson, Graham Lightfoot, at killaloecommunitycouncil@gmail.com for nomination papers, which will have to be returned by this Friday June 17. A new Community Council in Killaloe has now been incorporated and registered with the Companies Registration Office as a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) under the auspices of Muintir na Tíre, which supports the establishment and development of community councils throughout Ireland. According to the Census, the electorate in the Killaloe Electoral Division comprises of about 1,600 eligible voters, who will be able to vote electronically and in person at a location during the last weekend in June. A steering group is now preparing for the initial election of up to nine community councillors, which will take place on June 24 to 27, with the results being announced on Sunday, July 10. …

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Sign of times as Clonlara adds biodiversity info at amenity

Clonlara Development Association has erected a new Biodiversity information board at the entrance of the Errina canal and the Lough Derg Way in the centre of the village.  The Errina Canal, part of the Limerick Navigation system, was built in the late eighteenth-century and this canal also forms part of the East Clare way. This walkway continues to be enjoyed by multiple generations and is now more accessible following recent upgrades in terms of gravel pathways and swing gates. Research and the development of the information board before funding was secured was completed by Colm Honan, Maire Ní Ghráda and Peggy Ryan. Colm and Peggy recently completed the course “Be a Leader for Biodiversity in your community”. The information board is seen as the first step in building awareness around the diverse ecosystem along the Errina canal but also educating everyone in the community. The canal and its bank are home to a diverse ecosystem of plants and animals. The …

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Fabric of Clare life set to raise €20k for charities

WHAT started as a pastime reviving old craft skills has helped to weave a unique Clare Quilt, which could raise up to €20,000 for three charitable causes. Before the onset of Covid-19, Valerie Larkin enjoyed visiting places of interest throughout the county that she had only read about. Ms Larkin thought it would be an interesting project to try to make a quilt that showed places of historical interest, lessor known sites, Irish dancers, musicians, fiddles and harps. “I felt wouldn’t it be great to have a tapestry for Clare,” she recalled. Measuring ten feet by six feet, this beautiful quilt, which was featured on RTE’s Nationwide, was created by women living in the four corners of Clare during lockdown last year. It consists of individual handmade squares, created using many different mediums including appliqué, embroidery, felting and quilting. Depicting some of Clare’s historical sites, lesser-known places, music, dance and sports culture, it is a unique record for what locals …

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EPA says oil depot’s activities are not its business

THE Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has confirmed it doesn’t have a direct enforcement role concerning an installation or activity that is not subject to a licence issued by the agency. Responding to Clare Champion queries, the EPA recalled it received a complaint raising planning and environmental concerns about Burrenside Oil in September 2020. The EPA acknowledged receipt of the complaint and informed the complainant that Clare County Council has responsibility for dealing with the planning and environmental protection concerns described in the correspondence. The EPA also informed the complainant that it had reviewed the documents submitted and noted that the substantive complaint was one of alleged unauthorised development. It stated that it does not have a role in enforcing application of the planning and development legislation or the enforcement of planning permission conditions. After obtaining permission for GDPR compliance purposes, the EPA referred the complaint to Clare County Council for their investigation and action as appropriate in relation to the …

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Work to tackle foul odours in Meelick on track to proceed

FOLLOWING a series of false dawns, it looks like works are finally on track to replace a 40-year-old sewerage treatment plant in South-East Clare that is causing foul odours for local residents. Householders in Ballycannon Heights, Meelick, have campaigned for years to get Clare County Council, and in more recent years Irish Water, to replace a waste water treatment plant that is no longer fit for purpose. Responding to Clare Champion queries, Irish Water confirmed land acquisition for this project is underway and it is expected that a CPO will be submitted in the coming weeks. “The construction start date will be subject to the completion of this process and planning approval,” said an Irish Water spokesman. Fianna Fáil TD for Clare Cathal Crowe is insisting that works to put in place a proper wastewater treatment plant for Ballycannon Heights should be separated from the ongoing Limerick Northern Distributor Road project. Temporary infrastructure was put in place back in the …

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