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A united stand on airport separation delay

A UNITED demand across party political divides and the business community has been made for immediate action to be taken on the future of Shannon Airport.


Minister for Transport Leo Varadkar and the Government are being asked to “urgently” implement the separation of Shannon Airport from the Dublin Airport Authority for the benefit of the county and the region, in a move backed by both Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil councillors and the president of Ennis Chamber.

Ennis Fine Gael Councillor Johnny Flynn has put forward a notice of motion before both Clare County Council and Ennis Town Council urging that the minister and Government finalise the separation in September and implement new structures by the end of this year.

The issue is set to be discussed at the next meetings of the local authorities after the summer break, with Ennis Town Council to meet this Monday and Clare County Council the following week. 
A statement to The Clare Champion from the Department of Transport on behalf of the minister stated Minister Varadkar agrees with the need to move swiftly on the matter and he is looking forward to an “optimistic future” for the airport.

Speaking out in support of Councillor Flynn’s call are Mayor of Clare, Fianna Fáil Councillor Pat Daly, Mayor of Ennis, Fianna Fáil Councillor Peter Considine, former mayor of Shannon and Fine Gael Councillor Sean McLoughlin and president of Ennis Chamber Brian O’Neill.

According to Councillor Flynn, “Shannon Airport has for many years provided a solid and profitable resource in itself and for businesses in Clare and the wider Shannon Region. It has also touched the lives and provided an income for many people living here and it has the potential to revive the economy, save and create jobs and prevent further emigration in Clare and the West.” However, he says the potential of the airport is under threat if the decision on independence is not backed up quickly with action.
“If we act now and speak up with one voice requesting the urgent separation of our airport, with Government financial backing for certain day-to-day costs for up to five years, we can achieve the success of Shannon Airport in 2013 and beyond. I believe this can be achieved by taking a step away from some of the complex issues that surround the restructuring of Shannon Development and the airport whilst thinking about the region as a whole and its future. This could be done by the appointment by Government immediately of an interim/transition Shannon Airport Authority board tasked to finalise an airport business plan and submit same for ministerial consideration and approval by year end.”

He continued stating, “Our unemployment figures in Clare are now far exceeding the national average – the airport can be a trump card if played now to help retain and create jobs in the region both directly and indirectly and we require urgent action and commitment from the Government to allow Shannon Airport to deliver the potential it has.”

The notice of motion also seeks Government allocation of resources and responsibility for the preparation of a 2013 Mid-West and Shannon Airport Marketing Plan.
Councillor Daly commented, “As Mayor of Clare, I would like to support this. It is vital that a marketing strategy is put in place for the survival of Shannon Airport. We need to get more destinations. And we need to have representation of Clare County Council on the new board once it is set up. The airport is important for the entire region and particularly for County Clare. ”

Shannon Councillor McLoughlin added his support saying, “It is very important that decisions about the airport are made now. The companies in the aviation industry are like buyers in the fashion trade, they are buying now for next year. Decisions being made by these airlines about next year’s airline route selections, that is, departure and destination airports, are being made over the next few weeks. The dangerous and damaging uncertainty will continue for the airport unless the Shannon status is resolved immediately.”

Speaking for the business community, Brian O’Neill, president of Ennis Chamber stated, “The vitality and health of Shannon Airport is crucial to Ennis and Clare jobs both in retail and in hospitality. People working and earning wages in the airport are our valued customers in addition to the visitors coming through the airport.
“I speak for businesses in Ennis and beyond by saying that action and implementation is urgently required and strongly requested by the business community to ensure 2013 and onwards sees a return to growth for Shannon Airport and its wider region in all aspects of jobs and tourism.”

Mayor of Ennis, Councillor Considine outlined future requirements for the airport.  “Without prejudicing the outcome of the debate at next week’s town council meeting, I believe that in addition to the separation of the airport issue, there needs to be an ongoing Government commitment for at least five years’ funding to sustain the airport for general maintenance and emergency airport status.

He continued, “As Ennis mayor and from my family’s experience in the travel industry over the last 20 years, there is a need for increased choice of flights, in and out, through Shannon Airport. There is huge benefit in jobs connected with the travels of Ennis and Clare people whether it’s on holiday or on business are in Shannon.

“Likewise, when international visitors want to come to our town and county. Investment in roads over the last decade to the airport means the catchment area for the airport is hugely enlarged. For example, Newlands Cross to Shannon is just two hours now. Without increased connectivity through Shannon Airport, foreign direct investment decisions throughout the region may be put at risk.”

Councillor Flynn concluded, “The airport now needs clarity and simple structures to make Shannon Airport relevant to its existing and new customers – relevance in terms of product quality, offer and value. Regional momentum and support to reenergise the operations of the airport will rise again, once the operation of it is taken back with real regional responsibility and accountability.
“Over the last 10 to 20 years, various decisions have lead to the loss of flights to Shannon and the Mid West, resulting in job losses and emigration from Ennis, County Clare and the West. Now is the time to act and make words a reality. I am calling on all decision-makers, no matter their background, to come together and support this move and in turn revive Shannon Airport and its potential for the region.”

The Department of Transport in response to the comments stated, “Minister Varadkar agrees with the need to move swiftly on this matter. He said during a recent visit to Shannon, ‘I’m really determined that we just get on with this’. As part of this process, it’s vital that the steering group has an opportunity to report back to Government to ensure that Shannon Airport is finally placed on a sustainable footing.”

The statement continued that Minister Varadkar and Minister Bruton will revert to Government with the group’s detailed proposals, including an implementation strategy for the new Shannon entity.
According to the minister, “After years of inaction by previous Governments, we can now look forward to a more optimistic future for Shannon Airport.”

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