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3G to consider alternative Kildysart mast site

Fine Gael TD Pat Breen and his party colleague, Councillor Oliver Garry, held a meeting with Hutchinson 3G in Dublin last week to discuss the ongoing controversy surrounding their plans to erect a mast in Kildysart.
While Hutchinson 3G are still going ahead with their appeal to An Bord Pleanala, they have agreed to look at alternative sites proposed by Councillor Garry.
News emerged in late January that Clare County Council had turned down an application from Hutchinson 3G Ireland to erect a 30 m high co-location communication support structure with antennae attached, equipment housing and associated site works for the Government National Broadband Scheme (NBS) in Kildysart.
The decision was made on January 20.
At least 21 submissions, opposing the development, were received by Clare County Council from Kildysart residents.
At the time, Pat Breen described the planning refusal as “a triumph for the people of Kildysart” and urged Hutchinson 3G Ireland not to appeal the decision.
However, the company have now undertaken to examine other sites provided that the signal strength in those sites is of a similar quality to that which is provided in the current location, which has been refused planning permission. When they have completed their investigations they have agreed to hold a further meeting with Deputy Breen and Councillor Garry.
“We pointed out that dialogue with the local community and public representatives was the only way forward and that there was nothing to be gained by forcing a mast at the current location on the people of Kildysart. We made them very much aware that the current location is a problem but that the people of Kildysart are not opposed to the technology,” Deputy Breen commented.
“They will be undertaking this work over the next few weeks and they have agreed to hold a further meeting when they have finalised their investigations,” he added, with reference to 3G checking the viability of alternative sites in Kildysart.
Councillor Garry said that people in Kildsart accept the need for the proposed Broadband servic.
“In fact the community welcomes this service. However, it does not accept that the proposed mast location is the appropriate site for it,” the Kildysart county councillor stressed.

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