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Yearly Archives: 2013

Time to turn off red light

Clare TDs and senators are being asked to speed up a review of the laws on prostitution following revelations that up to 10 women are for sale online in the county.Members of the ICA, Macra Na Feirme, many trade unions, Chambers Ireland and the Immigrant Council of Ireland have made a combined plea as hearings by the Dáil Justice Committee on the issue come to an end.Up to 65 organisations representing every part of Irish life are involved in the Turn Off the Red Light campaign which, for the past four years, has been seeking a change in the law to end exploitation, abuse and organised crime by targeting the demand for prostitution.In a statement, Denise Charlton, chief executive of the Immigrant Council said, “After years of campaigning and several months of Dáil hearings, the truth is now plain for everyone to see. Irish and foreign criminal gangs are using prostitution as a low-risk, high-profit crime to line their pockets …

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Cash stolen from Seamount College

GARDAÍ are appealing for witnesses after a quantity of cash was stolen from a South Galway secondary school. Seamount College in Kinvara was broken into on Thursday last between the school closing and Friday morning.Gort Gardaí have not ruled out a connection with a recent burglary in New Quay National School just across the Clare border. “We are investigating the break-in and we are asking anyone who might have seen anything unusual in the area at the time, no matter how insignificant it seems, to come forward because it might be of benefit to us in finding the person or people responsible,” Superintendent Patrick Murray of Gort Garda Station said.Separately, the Burren College of Art outside Ballyvaughan was broken into on Saturday night and Gardaí in Ennistymon are continuing to make enquiries in relation to this. “Anyone who sees anything suspicious should contact us immediately and should not assume that someone else will,” a spokesperson for gardaí in Ennistymon stated.

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Galway-made stent part of life-saving operation

A LOUGH Cutra man has revealed how he would have died in his home last January but for the assistance of his wife, who called an ambulance after he sustained a major aortic aneurysm.An endovascular stent graft, manufactured just a few miles away in Galway by Medtronic was used in the procedure that put him on the road to recovery. Jerry Meade, 63, developed sudden back pain and collapsed at home on Friday, January 4  at about 7.30pm. An hour earlier he had sustained a slight pain in his lower back. However, after going to the toilet, he believes his abdominal aorta must have burst sudddenly as he fell to the bathroom floor and was left powerless with extreme pain.“I didn’t care if I lived or died. If there was no one in the house I would have died because I wasn’t able to get up and telephone for help.  My wife phoned an ambulance, which arrived in 20 minutes, …

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Government appoint bog consultancy company

CLARE TD Pat Breen says the Government’s appointment of consultancy company RPS to help progress a national management plan for bogs affected by the turfcutting ban is a progressive development. “I welcome the appointment by the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht of RPS for the provision of scientific services, which will help progress the development of a National Raised Bog (Special Area of Conservation) SAC management plan and a review of Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs),” Deputy Breen said. “The recommendation for such a plan is contained in the report of Mr Justice John Quirke, which was prepared following a four-day Peatland Forum on turf-cutting in Athlone last year. In the vast majority of cases, protection of affected bogs can be provided by relocating turf-cutters to undesignated bogs nearby. However, there are a number of bogs where relocation options are very limited, so in the context of a national plan, it may be possible to bring some limited flexibility …

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Expensive airfares deterring US visitors

MAYOR of Shannon Michael Fleming was in New Jersey representing his town for St Patrick’s Day and said there is a lot of interest there in visiting Ireland but the cost of transatlantic travel is the main stumbling block.“I’ve spoken to some people about the airport and it seems to be the airlines who are stopping people from coming in here at the minute. I hope something can be done about it because the big thing that I brought away was the price of the flights,” he told The Clare Champion this week.Councillor Fleming said one American couple had been interested in flying into Shannon over St Patrick’s weekend but were discouraged by a charge of $1,700.He said major efforts were made to promote Shannon and Clare in the US. “There are still very big blisters on my feet from all the walking. We put out the word about Shannon and County Clare, about The Gathering, about the airport. The …

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Blarney Castle gardener joins festival line-up

THE head gardener at Blarney Castle has been announced as the latest high-profile speaker confirmed to appear at this year’s Clare Garden Festival.Adam Whitbourn will join other speakers including Clare’s organic guru Jim Cronin, GIY patron Klaus Laitenberger and plantsman and RHS tutor Ciarán Burke at the festival to be held at the Ennis Showgrounds in April. The theme this year fitting to the Gathering is Going back to your roots! with all areas of gardening set to be covered.Adam, a trained horticulturalist from Askham Bryan college, York, England, took on the role as head gardener at Blarney Castle in 2009 and has overseen the transformation of the gardens into a must-see destination for anyone with a passion for horticulture, having featured in Irish Garden magazine and The English Garden magazine. “I am excited to visit Clare and be part of what is promising to be a great festival with an amazing line-up of speakers and exhibitors. It will be …

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