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Yearly Archives: 2013

McNamara not convinced of Seanad’s purpose

SUPPORTERS have not presented a convincing case for the Seanad’s retention, according to Clare Deputy Michael McNamara.If its abolition results in savings of up to €100 million over five years, he said this could be better spent on improving health and education.“I don’t think the Seanad is serving a useful purpose in its current form.“The Seanad hasn’t held the Government to account because about one sixth of the Seanad are appointed by the Taoiseach. “The party whip system also applies to the Seanad which means there aren’t any meaningful checks and balances. Apart from major budgetary issues, I don’t believe the whip system should apply to committees in the Dáil.“Everyone in the Labour Party supports the plan to put the abolition of the Seanad before the people in a referendum. I can understand why senators want to retain this institution but I am not aware of any compelling reason for its retention.“However, I am willing to listen to what people …

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Senators won’t campaign on issue

SITTING Fine Gael Senator Martin Conway is opposed to the proposed abolition of the Seanad but will not be campaigning publicly in the build-up to this autumn’s referendum. “I’m voting against the abolition of the Seanad but I’m not going to partake in the debate or campaign either way. I think that people deserve to have a debate and the referendum is very welcome. I’m looking forward to the referendum but what I’m looking forward to even more is the pre-referendum discussion. It will be the first time since the Seanad was incepted back in the 1930s that we are going to have a frank and open debate on the Seanad, its structure and the contribution it has made. Over the years if you take the house in its totality, it had a major impact on Irish society, in particular when you look at some of the work that David Norris did in terms of decriminalising homosexuality,” Senator Conway said. …

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Shannon’s link to US Mid-West strengthened with five flights a week

UNITED Airlines’ seasonal service between Shannon and Chicago was launched last Friday morning.There will be five flights per week on the route until late August.James Mueller, United’s vice-president of Atlantic and Pacific sales, was joined by John Hennessey Niland of the US embassy, Deputy Pat Breen, Simon Gregory of Tourism Ireland and Shannon Airport chairperson Rose Hynes at a ribbon-cutting ceremony to inaugurate the service.Mr Mueller said the service has a lot to offer Irish visitors to the US. “Having operated our Shannon-Newark service successfully for 15 years, this new route will further benefit our customers in Ireland, offering faster access to one of the United States’ most popular business and tourism destinations as well as increased travel options throughout the Americas.”Ms Hynes said Shannon’s US Customs and Border Protection pre-clearance facility will help passengers. “We are delighted to welcome United Airlines today with this service, which is a huge boost to the tens of thousands annually who travel between …

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The West being heavily promoted

THE West of Ireland is being heavily promoted in the Chicago area at the moment, according to Simon Gregory, director of markets with Tourism Ireland.“We’re running advertising out there, we’ve got a big publicity campaign, we had about 50 media and trade at a lunch this week to promote and sell not just the service but the benefits of Shannon and the West Coast.”He also said there are strong links between the Windy City and Ireland. “It’s hard to find anyone in Chicago who doesn’t have Irish links, particularly links to the West of Ireland. I was on the flight in and a number of people hadn’t been to Ireland in a number of years and they were coming because the service is back.”Mr Gregory said people in the US see the advantages of Shannon. “Americans want to come to the West Coast because that’s where they think they’re going to see the real Ireland.”He feels Ireland could do with …

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More or less?

`“DO we need more politicians or fewer?” That was the question posed by Minister Richard Bruton on the radio this week as he argued for the abolition of the Seanad.  Put that question to any Irish electorate and you know for certain that the answer will be a resounding “we want fewer politicians”. But that’s not the question the Government is putting before the Irish people in a referendum later this year.  There is no question of reducing the number of TDs below the handful the Constitution allows. The voters will have a choice either to abolish the Seanad or retain it in its current form. Surely the answer will be a resounding Yes to abolish the Seanad and an equally resounding No to retain it in its current form. I don’t blame Enda Kenny for giving us a stark choice and confining it to the Seanad rather than asking us if we wanted to radically reduce the number of …

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‘Extortionate’ toilets should be flushed away

CALLS for Ennis Town Council to flush its contract with the operators of the town’s superloos have been poo-poo’d by the local authority. At this week’s meeting of Ennis Town Council, the €70,000 cost for the facilities was called into question, with one councillor suggesting the local authority construct its own public convenience.

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