A new defibrillator was installed in Ruan GAA pitch on Monday, as part of a local initiative to rejuvenate the area. Francis Lyons, the Assistant Treasurer for the GAA club and a coach at underage level, explained that a lot of work has been done around the pitch to develop its facilities. The prior defibrillator at the pitch was old and in need of repair and replacement batteries, and the work involved in bringing it back up to scratch was found to be cost ineffective by the club. Francis took the responsibility of reaching out to the locality and to acquaintances in health and safety firms to learn what could be done instead. “The defibrillator was a matter closer to my heart,” he said. “I had a friend who had to be treated with a defibrillator in Ennis only a few months back, and only for it he would not be here now. So the importance of the defibrillator really …
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