PLANS by Supermacs boss Pat McDonagh to transform a fire damaged vacant building in Ennis’ market area have been put on hold as the planning authority raises a concern over the “visual impact” of proposals for the roof. Clare County Council is seeking further information on the planning application to redevelop the former Western Fabrics building at the junction of Market Place and Garraunakilla Lane located within the Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) of Ennis. If given the green light the planning application, lodged with Clare County Council earlier this year, would see the building redeveloped to create a commercial space and apartments. The proposal has been put forward by Softdrive Ltd, a company of which Mr McDonagh is director. The plans involve the demolition of the fire damaged former furniture store and ancillary buildings along with the demolition of an existing adjoining two-storey commercial/retail building. If granted permission the development will include the construction of a new two and part …
Read More »Supermacs boss says Ennis motorway plaza is a ‘win-win’
THE development of a €10 million Barrack Obama Plaza-style motorway service station just outside of Ennis is a “win-win” insists Supermacs managing director Pat McDonagh. As well as creating jobs, he believes the development has the potential to boost local business and tourism saying, “Anything that brings business to an area generally creates other opportunities.” Mr McDonagh spoke to the Clare Champion this week after An Bord Pleanala upheld a decision by Clare County Council to grant planning permission for the development adjacent to Junction 12 of the M18 at Kilbreckan, Doora. The green light from An Bord Pleanala comes eight years after proposals for a motorway plaza were first lodged by the fast food giant with Mr McDonagh saying, “It’s good to get it over the line, it’s been a long haul.” He outlines the new plaza will result in similar job creation to the Barack Obama Plaza in Moneygall, with 120 people expected to be employed at the …
Read More »Supermacs owner says motorway plaza will be “a huge boost to Ennis”
SUPERMACS managing director Pat McDonagh has said the granting of planning permission for a new Barack Obama plaza-style motorway service station on the outskirts of Ennis “will be a huge boost” to the county capital. Clare County Council have given the green light to the €10 million development adjacent to Junction 12 of the M18 at Kilbreckan, Doora which is set to create 120 jobs. This was the fast-food chain’s fourth application to develop the service station at this location. Reacting to the granting of planning permission for the development, Mr McDonagh said the decision is affirmation of the commitment of the local authority to the people of Clare. He said Supermac’s will do, “everything to respond generously in job creation and all it takes to ensure that this development will contribute significantly over decades to the economic and social development of Ennis and the whole county”. He said there is “no substitute for tangible investment and that the creation of …
Read More »Fourth times the charm for Supermacs’ motorway plaza plan?
SUPERMACS’ owner Pat McDonagh has lodged the newest planning application in a long-running attempt to develop a motorway service station on the outskirts of Ennis. A planning application has been lodged with Clare County Council for the proposed development at Kilbreckan, Doora. This is the fast-food chain’s fourth application for a Barack Obama Plaza style development adjacent to Junction 12 of the M18. Details of the proposal include the construction of a service station building with convenience shop, food court, staff facilities, canopy, fuel facilities, parking and circulation space, children’s play area, picnic area and access provision. The development application also includes plans for infrastructural works, public lighting, signage, landscaping, internal fencing, electrical substation, 16 electric car charging points, roof mounted solar panels, storm water runoff, petrol interceptors and attenuation system, on-site wastewater treatment plant including access road, pumping station and connection to public foul sewer, drainage improvement works, underground fuel storage tanks, rain water harvesting system, connection to public …
Read More »McDonagh planning new motorway service area
A NEW application for a major motorway service area that could employ 100 people is just around the corner, Pat McDonagh told The Clare Champion this week. The Supermac’s founder is also involved with the Barack Obama Plaza in Moneygall and the Galway Plaza off the M6 between Galway and Dublin. While a previous application for a similar development adjacent to Junction 12 at Killoo, Clarecastle, off the M18 was withdrawn, Mr McDonagh said another one is coming and he is confident it will be positively received. “We’d be very positive. We’re going to be reapplying in the next few weeks. The architects, engineers and consultants are working on it now at the moment. “The application should be submitted in the next three to four weeks. Then it has to go through the due process and it takes eight to nine weeks approximately after that. Sometimes they look for further information. It’ll be about three months or so before the …
Read More »Supermacs dishes up Fleadh support
SUPERMAC’S have agreed to sponsor Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann Inis 2016 in a six-figure deal. The well-known food company has come on board as a gold sponsor, contributing towards the organisation of what promises to be one of the most successful musical events that Ennis, and the wider county, has seen to date. At the launch Pat McDonagh, Supermac’s founder said, “Sponsoring the Fleadh Cheoil here in Ennis was an obvious choice for us, as we are a 100% Irish brand, working with over 250 Irish suppliers. We have strong ties with sports and music throughout our history and as a company that was born here in the west, we are delighted to be able to engage with such a huge event as the Fleadh Cheoil. “We have no doubt that it will have huge benefits for not only the county but for the entire region.” “Opening in Ennis was one of the key stepping stones in Supermac’s becoming a …
Read More »Ready to serve up jobs
THE outskirts of Ennis could soon have its own Obama Plaza-style rest stop and “drive thru”, providing in the region of 100 new permanent jobs. Managing director of Supermac’s Ireland, Pat McDonagh, who already has business interests in Ennis and Shannon, has applied to Clare County Council for a major motorway service area and a rest area at Kilbreckan, Doora, at Junction 12, on the Galway to Limerick M18. Supermac’s planning application includes a service station and convenience shop, a food court and drive thru, offices, staff facilities, a canopy, fuel facilities, parking and circulation space, children’s play area, picnic area and access provision and infrastructural works, including lighting, signage, landscaping, on-site waste water treatment and access to the nearby roundabout on the N85. The Supermac’s boss said the company is delighted that the economic boost generated by the provision of 100 new permanent jobs, as well as additional seasonal jobs is coming to County Clare. An additional 75 jobs …
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