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Emergency Animal First Aid

IN this horrible weather, our wild birds and animals are struggling to keep healthy and many can become ill or injured. Emergency first aid can be given to wildlife prior to them being transferred to a vet. Most vets do not charge for wildlife treatment from a rescuer or wildlife rehabilitator. The sooner that sick or injured wildlife is received by a carer, the more chance it has of recovering, so the following advice should be pursued. You can phone The Hogsprickle or log on to www.thehogsprickle.com or www.wri.ie. Remember – keeping or injuring wildlife in Ireland is illegal and Irish wildlife rehabilitators are all certified and work within NPWS licence. It’s important to remember that wildlife often harbour diseases, therefore, when handling wildlife, it is sensible and good hygiene to wear disposable gloves or gardening gloves. Be very careful when rescuing wildlife, as these animals and birds are not used to humans and even our voices and smell can …

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