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Tag Archives: Bev Trus

Sunshine, heat and avoiding problems

Summertime is a happy time of the year for most of us. BBQs, spending time outdoors in the sunshine, it makes us all feel happier. But what about our pets? Cats, dogs and horses wear their fur coats all year round and can’t take them off to cool down. So, it is up to us to make sure they are comfortable in the summer heat. Water, water, water, the most important thing in life. Leave a few bowls around the garden and check them regularly, even a shallow saucer for the smaller animals. All animals and insects need to drink and birds need to bathe to keep their feathers in good condition. Keep the bowls in sheltered areas to prevent evaporation. Walk your dog in the early morning or evening when the heat of the day has gone, and remember to carry water for both you and the dog. We wear shoes, dogs don’t and the hot tarmac can badly …

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