The opportunity to indulge in a little local nostalgia, to learn about threatened wildlife species recorded on what was a derelict manufacturing site for many years and to find out how to creatively cook organic products can all be savoured by festival goers of Scariff Harbour Festival. They are tasty treats from a packed programme of events over the August Bank Holiday week-end. Old Photos East Clare is an online platform of people and place going back to the late 1800s, reflecting the day to day life of Scariff and surrounding parishes from O’Callaghan’s Mills to Tulla, back to Mountshannon and further afield. It is a treasure trove of memories and social history, founded and developed by local photographer, Marie O’Leary. During the Scariff Harbour Festival a representative selection from 8,000 photographs accessible online will form a slide show presentation. It can be viewed on loop between 12 noon and 4pm on both Saturday and Sunday of the festival in …
Read More »Social distancing focus for peak holiday season
AS THE height of the holiday season draws closer, authorities are to step-up efforts to ensure people enjoy their time in Clare safety. Concerns have been voiced by some members of the council that a recent influx of visitors is putting public health and safety at risk, while a senior Garda spokesperson urged people to remember their personal responsibility in minimising the risk of a second wave of Covid-19. At the July meeting of Clare County Council, a number of members were torn between welcoming the economic boost created by the spike in visitor numbers and concerns that social distancing guidelines are being flouted in some areas. “We welcome everybody to County Clare,” said Councillor Ann Norton. “We are still in a pandemic and it is hugely important that people take heed of public health advice, whether they are here for a holiday or on a day trip. Visitors are hugely welcome, but people must be kept safe.” Councillor Johnny Flynn also voiced some …
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