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Scariff centenarian attributes longevity to enjoying life

A Scariff centenarian has attributed her longevity to enjoying life and avoiding stress as much as possible. Nellie Rodgers, Clonusker  recently received a letter from President Michael D Higgins and the statutory €2,540 cheque after turning 100. Still enjoying very good health, Nellie, who was born in New York on November 13, 1915, reads the newspaper every day and duly informs her son, Andrew and daughter-in-law, Geraldine, about all the main news at local and national level. According to Geraldine, Nellie’s advice for a long life is “not to worry too much, enjoy life and avoid stress”. Apart from a reduction in her hearing, Nellie has only been hospitalised twice – last April she fell and broke her hip when she was out weeding in the garden and she previously had a minor operation. Geraldine says her mother-in-law can still remember her boat journey from New York to Clare as if it only happened last week. She left New York …

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